Page 118 of The Rules of Dating a Younger Man
I felt the heat of his cum filling me, and I convulsed around him, experiencing an orgasm even more intense than the last. He moved in and out of me slowly until we’d both relaxed, and when he pulled out, I turned to face him, running my fingers through his messy hair.
“I couldn’t hold it this time,” he said. “I’m sorry.”
“I was right there behind you. Every time with you has been more incredible than the last.”
We finally dragged ourselves out of bed, and after we took a shower together, I put back on the black dress Brayden had bought me, sans underwear this time. But then we decided to order in rather than going to the restaurant where he’d made a reservation. I, for one, didn’t feel like sharing Brayden with the world tonight. It felt too good being in our own little bubble. Unlike all of the other times we’d been together, somehow there was no guilt tonight. I couldn’t explain it. Maybe it was hearing him declare his love for me, or finally realizing I was fighting a losing battle. I needed to receive Caitlin’s acceptance of the situation as a gift. And finally seeing Brayden as mine made me almost feral.
After we finished our meal, I climbed atop Brayden, who was sitting in a chair across from me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I don’t want to leave you this weekend.”
He lowered his hands to my ass and squeezed. “I don’t want to leave you ever.”
“What are we going to do?” I asked. “I mean, we live hours away from each other.”
He nodded. “Yeah. That’s not going to work. I want you in my bed every night. I want coffee together every morning. I want to have dinner with you during the week and talk about our days. We’ve wasted so much precious time, Alex.” He paused. “I think I should move to Connecticut.”
“You?” My eyes widened. “How?”
“I’ll figure it out. You have the spa there. You can’t leave. My job is more mobile.”
“But you’re a landlord—that’s part of your job.”
“The guys will attest to the fact that I am probably the least hands-on with the building stuff. As long as I’m financially in, they don’t need me in the City every day. I’d still be close enough that I could drive down whenever I needed to.”
“But won’t you miss them?”
“Of course I will. But not as much as I’d miss you.” He cradled my face. “You’re my fucking queen, Alex. I don’t want to be anywhere you’re not.”
That filled me with pride. While it brought immense relief to know Brayden would move to Connecticut for me, it also gave me a new reason to feel guilty. His friends were his family. But I vowed not to think about that right now. I’d been doing so well at freeing myself from guilt tonight, and I needed to enjoy the moment with my man.
My man.
It felt so damn good to finally say it.
Damn it, I made myself bleed.
And here I’d thought my childhood nervous habit was long gone. It had been years since I’d bitten my nails. Then again, I couldn’t remember the last time I was this nervous. I lifted my phone from the counter to check the time and bobbled it when it started to buzz. Brayden.
Just seeing his name on the screen slowed my pulse a little. Maybe I should’ve let him be here when I told my stepdaughter about us, like he’d offered. If I had, I might still have my favorite teapot, and my house wouldn’t smell like charred metal. Which reminded me, I needed to light a candle. I swiped to answer my phone as I headed to the cabinet where I kept them.
“Freaking out?”
I smiled. “How did you know?”
He chuckled. “I know you, Alex.”
“Well, so far today, I’ve had to go to the liquor store twice, I put the tea kettle on the stove without filling it first, and then I forgot I put it on at all while I went in the shower. Oh, and I also cooked a brisket for two hours without turning the oven on.”
“You bought wine and had to go back to the store a second time? You drank what you bought on your first trip?”
“No, I brought two bottles of wine up to the counter at the liquor store, paid for them, and walked out without the bag. I didn’t realize until I went to take the package out of the car after I’d pulled into my driveway.”
Brayden laughed. “I wish you would’ve let me be there with you. I have a special injection that works wonders for calming nerves.”