Page 62 of The Rules of Dating a Younger Man
“When are you going to tell her?” I asked.
“Tomorrow morning at breakfast.”
“Would it help if I went with you?”
“No.” She shook her head. “I think that would make it much worse. I need to do this alone.”
I ran a hand through my hair. “Okay. I know it will be awkward, but if you change your mind and need my support, I’m there.”
Our eyes locked. She looked so damn beautiful tonight. She’d put on a sexy top that revealed more cleavage than she’d ever shown. She’d been comfortable enough to wear it around me, comfortable enough to finally let me explore all of her. Sex with her would’ve been incredible. But more than that, it would’ve been meaningful. But I’d never get to experience it.
“Shit.” Alex looked down at her phone. “I have to go.”
If she had to leave now, and if her morning was going to be occupied with that difficult talk, I knew I had very little time to say what was on my chest right now. Even if the timing wasn’t right, I needed to do it before I lost the chance. “Before you go, I have to say something, Alex.”
She licked her lips. “Okay…”
“I know it’s not looking good for us right now. It feels like you were ripped away from me tonight. And like my heart got ripped out, too. I know you—you won’t do anything to upset your daughter. And if that means erasing me from your life, that’s what you’ll do. I can’t even blame you for it. I keep wanting to call her your stepdaughter, but really, you’re the only mother she has now. Kate’s your daughter. And I’m…well, I’m basically a stranger who blew into your life out of nowhere. There’s no contest as to who has the upper hand here.” I looked deeply into her eyes. “But I’d regret it if I let you go without telling you how much you mean to me. And I know that before this happened, I meant a lot to you, too.”
“You still mean a lot to me,” she whispered.
I moved in closer but stopped short of touching her. “You were going to give your body to me tonight, and I know you wouldn’t have made that decision had you not already given a piece of your heart to me, too. Don’t think I don’t know that.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore,” she said.
“I will never not wonder what might have happened if Kate hadn’t showed up. I will never get over this. I’ll never get over you. Because, Alex, I’ve never felt this way about anyone. And this unfortunate coincidence doesn’t change the fact that you’re the most incredible woman I’ve ever known.”
She sniffled, fending off tears. “I have to go.” Alex wiped her eyes and turned toward the door before slipping away.
I wondered if I’d ever see her again.
I couldn’t process words.
I stared at my daughter’s mouth. Sound was coming out, but I could only catch fragments. The rest were a distant murmur, an incoherent language. I’d been up all night, unable to close my eyes long enough to sleep, so I was certain exhaustion had something to do with it. But I also had no focus. My brain couldn’t latch onto thoughts about anything, other than how I was going to tell Caitlin about Brayden. What the hell do I say?
Caitlin spooned some of her yogurt parfait into her mouth and kept talking. After an undetermined amount of time, her brows puckered. She reached out and waved her hand in front of my face. “Earth to Alex…are you in there?”
I opened my mouth to apologize, to say I was just tired. But when I did, that wasn’t what blurted out. Words raced fast and furious. “Brayden is the younger man I’ve been telling you about. I’m so sorry. I had no idea you two knew each other. Neither did Brayden.” I closed my eyes, hating the way I’d delivered the news, yet relieved that it was out there.
“Brayden?” Caitlin said.
I peeked one eye open. “Brayden. Brady. They’re the same person. My Brayden is your Brady.”
She blinked a few times. “You’re dating my ex-boyfriend?”
“Yes. No.” I shook my head. “I mean yes, the man I’ve been talking to you about is Brayden, but we’re not dating. I mean, we were, but we aren’t anymore.”
My daughter’s forehead wrinkled. She averted her eyes, staring off into the restaurant dining room for a long time while I waited on pins and needles. Confusion was still all over her face when she turned back. “He’s seen me naked. I’ve seen him naked. I slept with him.”
I cringed. “I’m so sorry, Caitlin. I had no idea. I never would’ve gotten involved with him if I’d had an inkling of suspicion you two were somehow connected. I was hesitant enough because of his age. Even if you guys were friends it would’ve probably been too much for me to handle. I had no clue.”
Caitlin had always been an easy read for me. I knew when she was upset, even when she tried to hide it. But at the moment, I had no idea what she was thinking. Her face was a cross between confused and something else—angry, maybe? She lifted the napkin from her lap and tossed it on the table in front of her.
“Did you sleep with him, too?”