Page 68 of The Rules of Dating a Younger Man
As soon as she was done, she walked over. “What’s going on, Brayden? You never come down here in the middle of the day.”
“I need your advice.”
She smiled. “I figured something must be up.”
“How much time do you have?”
“Half hour ’til my next client.” She grabbed her black fringed purse. “Let’s go grab coffee.”
Billie and I walked to the coffee shop around the corner as I filled her in on the latest developments—from finding out Kate is Alex’s Caitlin, to my dilemma over Alex being in New York.
She reached across the table. “Okay, first off, I’m so freaking sorry. What a shitty thing to happen.” She frowned. “Are you okay?”
“Not really. I’m still shook up over the whole thing.”
“So you haven’t decided whether to go to the restaurant tonight?”
“I don’t have a true sense of the right decision. I want to see her, but showing up also feels a bit stalkerish.”
Billie ran her finger over the rim of her cup. “Whether or not you go tonight should depend on what you hope to achieve. Despite her friend’s good intentions, if you don’t think it will change anything right now, it’s probably best that you not upset her this evening. On the other hand, if you feel her decision about you is not set in stone and she might weaken to your charms, maybe showing up will help. Don’t kill yourself mulling it over.” She leaned in. “Quick. Don’t think about it for more than a few seconds. What’s your gut feeling? Go!”
My gut feeling? It’s too soon.
I shook my head. “If there’s a chance in hell she’ll see this situation differently, it’s not going to be now. It will be down the road. So I think the main benefit of showing up would be to satisfy my own need to see her.”
“Well, you have your answer. It won’t achieve much. And might even upset her.”
“Yeah.” I sighed. “As much as I hate to admit it, I think it’s best if I don’t go.”
Billie took a sip of her coffee. Then she shook her head. “Damn.”
“If only this Alex could see how down you look right now. She’d never doubt how serious you were about her.”
After I returned to my apartment, I texted Wells to let him know I wouldn’t be coming and thanked him for trying to help.
I spent the remainder of the evening second-guessing my decision and lamenting the fact that the woman I was crazy about was in my city, and I couldn’t even see her.
The last thing I expected the following day was a certain name lighting up my phone.
My heart sped up as I answered. “Hello?”
“This is a pleasant surprise,” I said.
“How are you?” she asked.
“I’ve been better. How are you?”
“I’m…actually in New York.”
“Really? What are you doing here?” I asked, feeling a bit guilty for faking my surprise.