Page 95 of The Rules of Dating a Younger Man
“My friends have a house share in East Hampton. They invited me out next weekend, and I’m off Saturday and Sunday. Some of them are single, and some have partners, so it wouldn’t be weird if I went alone. But if you’d like to come, I think you’d have a good time. Zero pressure, though. I know we agreed to take it slow.”
“Do you feel like you’re ready for an overnight trip?”
“I haven’t had sex in a year, Brayden.” She bit her bottom lip. “And I’m attracted to you. Very attracted to you. Think it over and let me know. If you decide to come, I promise I won’t be looking for a proposal after.”
I smiled. This was exactly what I liked about Lacey—she was open and honest, not afraid to say what was on her mind. “Alright, thank you.”
The hospital where she worked was only a few blocks away, so after I paid the dinner check, I walked her over. When we got to the entrance, we kissed. Last time, an overwhelming sense of grief had hit me almost as soon as our lips unlocked. Grief, not guilt. So I braced myself when I pulled back, waiting for it to come again. didn’t.
“What are you grinning about?” Lacey asked.
She smiled back, swiping at my lip with her thumb. “You have a little lipstick.”
“What’s your schedule like this week?”
“I’ll be waking up and going to sleep in this building for the next six days. One of the other residents lost her dad and had to fly out to California for a while. But I’ll text you, okay?”
“Sounds good.”
She pushed up on her toes and pressed her lips to mine with a smile. “Did I say very attracted to you or just attracted earlier?”
I smiled back. “Have a good shift.”
“Thanks. Let me know about the Hamptons when you can.”
“You got it.”
As I walked away, I realized my steps felt a little lighter. I even noticed some birds chirping nearby. I felt…good. Damn good, in fact. And there was clearly only one reason for that. So I made a split-second decision and turned back around. “Hey, Lacey?”
She turned, already halfway through the door. “Yeah?”
“I’m in for next weekend.”
The next morning, I ran into Holden in the lobby of our building as I was heading to my office for a meeting.
“Hey,” he said. “I was going to come upstairs to see you later. I’m playing another gig next weekend, if you’re up for it. Saturday night at The Scope.”
“Thanks, but I can’t. I’m going out to the Hamptons.”
“Nice. Golfing?”
“Nope. With Lacey. Her friends have a house.”
A smile bloomed across my buddy’s face. “Sleepover? Nice.” He patted my shoulder. “Thatta boy.”
I nodded. “I figured it was time to move on. Though, I gotta admit, it still feels like I’m doing it with a piece of my heart missing.”
“It’ll get easier.”
“Yeah? Did it ever get easier when you thought of Lala and couldn’t have her?”
“That’s different. We kept finding our way back to each other. I’m a strong believer that the man upstairs puts us where we’re supposed to be.”
I blew out an exhale. “Welp, my enlightened friend, I’m heading to East Hampton next weekend, so I guess that’s where the big man wants me.”