Page 49 of Velvet Chains
I tried to sit up, but a searing pain shot through my head, and my vision blurred. I felt a warm liquid trickle down my face, when I lifted a hand to check, it came back red. Blood. I had a head wound. The world around me began to spin, and I slumped back onto the floor
The last thing I remembered was the sound of screeching tires, the driver's frantic calls for help, and an approaching siren. Then, despite my best attempts to remain conscious, darkness consumed me.
When I came to, I was disoriented, still in the cab. We were surrounded by EMTs and firefighters. I could see, through the blurry haze that my vision had become, people watching the rescue from a distance.
“Hey, don't fall asleep. Stay with me, we'll get you out of there soon.” A firefighter said to me. I found that I didn't even have the strength to nod.
My hands were holding my belly, like that would shield my baby. I wanted to stay awake, I tried to, but I could feel the darkness closing in again.
As I struggled to keep my eyes open, I felt afraid. It was one thing if something happened to me, but what about my baby?
This was the last thought I remember having before the darkness won the battle over my body and I fell unconscious again.
Ikept hunting Antonio down. It was a fruitless search, but I couldn't give up. I knew that as long as he was still out there, no one was safe. I wanted safety, not just for me, but for Isabelle.
I had changed so much for Isabelle without even noticing it.
Now that she was back home, I had gotten into the habit of reading the news in LA. It helped me feel closer to her.
My heart skipped a beat as I scrolled down the website of a popular LA online tabloid article.
“Two injured in car accident.” The headline read, but what caught my eye were the victims. Isabelle’s name. She had been injured.
I immediately knew I had to see Isabelle. Now. I had to be there with her at the hospital, no matter what.
With that in mind, I called Pietro.
“I need to go to LA. Take over for me while I’m away,” I told him.
Pietro gave me a sharp look, I'm sure he was confused as to why I was doing this during our manhunt, but he knew better than to argue with direct orders.
“Is everything okay?” He only asked, and I shook my head as I showed him the article. I found my hands shaking as I tried, and failed, to suppress the panic within me. I could see that he understood me. It helped me, knowing that he wasn’t blaming me for leaving.
My only thought was to get to Isabelle as quickly as possible. I checked the time of the next flight to LA and called for the car. It wasn't until I was it that I realized I didn't know the details of the accident or what hospital she was in.
I called her friend, Sarah. While she didn't pick up at first, when she did, she sounded jumpy.
“Tell me she's okay Sarah, please.” I asked.
“I don't know! That's what I'm telling you, the nurse told me they're keeping them under observation, but that's all I know.” She snapped, and her words didn't do much to help.
After I got the name of the hospital out of her, I let her go.
The only thing I had on me was my passport and wallet, clothes didn't matter, I could get them there.
Once I arrived at the airport, I bought a ticket for the flight and paced as I waited for my flight to board.
After I boarded, I I sat there, a small part of me couldn't believe what I was doing. I was leaving my duty, my family, and the Cupola behind to see her. I didn't know if my sudden absence would weaken my new spot in the Cupola, but I didn't care. Isabelle was lying in a hospital bed, thousands of miles away, and I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt and regret.
Despite doing my best to protect her, this had happened.
As the adrenaline pushed through me, I wondered if any of this had been worth it.
Why had I stayed away for so long? Why had I let distance hold me back from being with her? Logically, I knew all the reasons, but they all seemed to pale before my worry and regret.