Page 45 of The Stolen Throne
I wince as I try to situate myself in a more suitable position. My knees ache from kneeling so long on the hard floor. Though, to be honest, my whole body aches. Every inch. The king wants me kept in eyesight at all times. He doesn’t want one of his men thinking they can play with his toy.
The king seems hopeful that his son is dead since he has not attempted to retrieve me. He had said the healers of Wylan would most likely have been able to save Dax, and if they did, he would enjoy playing the game with his son. That’s all this is to him, a game. A game of chess, and he is waiting to see what move his son will make next. He doesn’t seem to care that his son wants to take over the kingdom. He definitely doesn’t care about the thousands of people who have died. He’s focused only on the game. A tug-of-war fight over the toy.
The king has shown his cowardice in this war. He won’t fight for the kingdom; he would rather turn its people into undead minions who will do his dirty work and fight for him. I grunt as I try to shift again to relieve some of the pain in my knees. I hear a laugh behind me and look over my shoulder to find the king smiling down at me.
“Do you like your new position, Snowflake?”
I grind my teeth as I say, “Yes, Your Highness.” During my time here, I’ve learned that if I am agreeable, he won’t drag me back to his torture room. The last time he took me there, he had threated to fuck the attitude out of me. I haven’t been back to that room since. And there is no way I am going to willingly let this man rape me.
“Are you still hoping for my son to save you?” he taunts with a laugh.
I turn and look toward the door. Dax’s last words continue to haunt me. I'll find you. No, I gave up hope for that days ago. As much as the king boasts how the healers would have saved him, I’m sure Dax is dead. The others would stay by his side until they marched their army here for revenge. They would not come to save a woman they mildly care for. Not when they could kill the king. No. I stopped hoping because it hurts too much to think I meant nothing to them. I don’t blame them though. They are the villains after all. My life is miniscule compared to gaining the power to control the kingdoms.
It hurts a little to think about, but I understand it. I had called them horrible names and used them for my own pleasure. I let out a huff, wincing a little when I sit too hard on my bruised knees.
“I think we should have one of our sessions this evening. Would you like that, Snowflake?”
I bow my head in submission as I respond, “Of course, Your Highness.” The last thing I want is a session with the king, but if I argue or act as though being with him is distasteful, it will be much worse for me. The beatings will be worse, and he will allow the tentacles from the mirror to touch me as well.
He stands, making his way over to me. His fingers slip into my hair and tug hard, making me wince. My head is still sore from when I slammed it against the floor of the carriage. He leans down right in front of my face. “I wonder if you’d fight me if I kissed you.”
I choke down the vomit that’s building as I press my lips tightly together. He laughs at my reaction and releases his grip on my hair. Returning to his throne, he grins. “Once I’ve broken you completely, I will kiss you.”
Outside of the throne room, I can hear the guards start yelling, which startles me.
“What is going on?” the king demands, yelling at his men for answers as he looks to the doors to the throne room.
A roar sounds outside the doors and someone barks, “Where is she?” The doors to the throne room are slammed open, and I’m stunned. Completely frozen in place. Eyes wide, I gape at the handsome man striding down the aisle toward the throne, carrying a blood-soaked sword, looking like death reincarnate. Angry, black shadows swirl around him, but his dark eyes never once leave the king. Peering behind him briefly, I’m stunned to find six other familiar faces. They… they came…
I struggle to hold back a sob as I watch the prince walk toward us. He moves like the reaper of souls, swinging his sword at anyone who gets in his way. Finally, he pauses in front of the king and me. When he looks down at me, I watch the darkness in his eyes flicker, giving me a quick glimpse of his bright blue eyes before they turn black again. Then he turns his dark eyes to meet the king.
I watch, mouth agape, as he points the sword at his father. “You will not touch her ever again,” he states, his voice cold as ice. “I warned you that I would not share. She is MINE. I should kill you where you stand for touching her after I gave you such a gracious warning.”
I shiver at the possessiveness I hear in his words. He has called me his so many times, but at this moment, I believe him. I believe I belong to him. He cares for me just as much as I care for him. My heart flutters at the thought that, maybe, just maybe, I had stolen his heart like he had stolen mine.
I let out a very undignified squeak when his sword slams down on the wooden anchor attaching my chains to the floor. He covers me with his cape, and I wince when he slips an arm around my waist and heaves me up. The cold kiss of his darkness caresses my skin and makes me shiver. He presses his face into my neck and takes a deep breath, calming the dark swirls, but his eyes are still inky black pits as they lift to meet the king’s.
The king is grinding his teeth but doesn’t move as we slowly back away, walking backward, so we don’t give the king an opportunity to stab us in the back like the coward he is. The others surround Dax and I as we hastily exit the throne room. Dax’s shadows disappear, and I sigh, not caring to look at the king anymore. I’m safe now within Dax’s arms. I burrow deeper into his chest, trying to soak in his now-warm body. I never thought I would be so happy to see him.
“You are playing a dangerous game, son,” the king yells from atop his throne.
As we step out of the room, I hear a rumble in Dax’s chest, then he growls and says, “And you broke the rules the moment you touched what is mine. You’d do well to remember my warning. Mine.”
I try to keep the tornado of emotions fighting inside me from slipping out until we are safely out of the castle. The moment I see sunshine and can breathe in the fresh air again, I bury my face into his neck and sob. “You’re alive,” I whisper once I’ve calmed a bit.
His hold on me tightens as he briskly walks down the cobblestone path. “Of course, I’m alive.” He clears his throat as if to banish the darkness, trying to lighten his next words with a half chuckle. “I did not think you would care if I lived or died. Though, your scream on the battlefield convinced me otherwise.”
“I watched that man plunge a sword through you!” I cry.
“Yes, well we have amazing healers. I am well.”
My hand lowers, and I cover the spot where he was stabbed. Where I would expect puckered skin or even bandages, solid muscle meets my hand instead. “You are well?” I whisper.
He gives me a quick nod and says, “You can do a thorough search, if you must, once we get home.”
“Home,” I repeat through my tears.
His now bright blue eyes find mine as he says, “Back to Wylan, of course.”