Page 48 of The Stolen Throne
I turn to continue my stealthy mission when I hear the squeak of a door opening. Damnit. My shoulders slump when I hear my name. “Eira?”
Turning around, I find Rev with his head poking out the doorway. He looks up and down the hall, his sleepy eyes meeting mine. He arches a brow. “What are you doing?”
I shoot the noisy guard a death glare before softening my gaze for Rev. “I was trying to walk quietly, so I didn’t wake you.”
He hums, rubbing his face sleepily, as he steps out of his room. “Then, I’ll escort you.”
I shake my head. “No, It’s okay. Go back to bed.”
He gives me a soft smile but continues my way. “I will not be able to sleep now, knowing you are out and about without one of us by your side.”
I send the guard another glare when Rev steps up to my side. He offers me his arm, and I gladly take it. “I’m sorry I woke you. I’m hungry and wanted a snack.”
“You could have woken one of us to take you. We do not mind.”
Laying my head against his bicep, we slowly walk to the kitchen side by side. “I know, but you all looked exhausted. I wanted to make sure you slept.”
He softly replies, “That was very kind of you, Sunshine.” He ushers me onto a chair. “What would you like to eat?”
“Anything,” I say happily. I am not about to be picky. I'm famished. After weeks of not being properly fed by the king, I will eat anything Rev puts in front of me.
He arches a brow before turning to grab a few things from the storage area. I notice he grabs some of the leftover stew we had for dinner as well as a few rolls. He places it all in front of me, and I don’t hesitate to dig in.
My mouth is full when he reaches behind him, then presents me with an apple dessert. I grin as I finish off my stew and rolls, followed by immediately digging into the dessert. I point my fork at him as I finish my bite. “How is my shadow doing?”
He arches a brow. “Your shadow?”
I grin and pop another bite into my mouth. “Mhm.”
He smiles as he leans onto his elbows. “Not sure I can be your shadow when I no longer spend much time in the shadows, Sunshine.”
“Why is that?” I ask through another bite.
He shrugs. “Well, I have my Sunshine now.”
My grin widens. “Is that so?”
Rev leans over the counter to press a kiss to my forehead. When he pulls away, his dark brown eyes meet mine. “You are the glow that draws me out of the shadows. You are my light, my Sunshine.”
“Do you wish you were in the shadows?” I whisper.
His eyes roam over my face before he murmurs, “Not anymore.”
The morning light streams through the cracks of the curtains, sending beams of sunlight throughout my room. With a yawn, I stretch, groaning when it makes every ache in my body known. The healers did an amazing job, but they are only able to use so much magic. Most of their magic went to saving Dax.
Either way, I am grateful for the healing that they were able to do, even if it left more scars behind. Dax was furious when he discovered that not all of my injuries had healed. I told him that magic could only do so much, and I didn’t mind healing the old-fashioned way.
I sit up with a groan and huff out a heavy sigh. I rub my eyes to clear the sleep from them but let out a loud screech when they finally focus.
Mir is holding up both hands, and his face turns red. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to frighten you!”
Plopping back down on the bed, I hold a hand over my rapidly beating heart. “You frightened me half to death, Branimir!”
He rushes over in a panic. “I’m sorry! So sorry, Eira!”
“Good heavens, what did you think would happen when I found a man hiding in the corner of my room just staring at me? That would frighten anyone!”
He groans and covers his face, but that doesn’t hide his bright red ears. “Forgive me, Darling!”