Page 9 of The Stolen Throne
It’s been a week since the prince brought me back to Wylan, and I find myself growing more irritated with each day that passes. I have no idea what the Kingdom of Wylan looks like, but the castle walls are covered entirely in mirrors. Everywhere. Not a single wall is without a mirror, which is made even creepier by the fact that they are all covered in black fabric. How do I know they are mirrors if they are covered you may ask. Well, curiosity got the best of me, so I lifted the fabric to see what it was hiding. Behind it, I found a broken mirror, which made me wonder why it was covered in the first place.
Not that I mind them being covered. A memory needles its way into my mind of mirrored glass shattering, my mother’s blood pouring from her throat, an evil smile, and cold tentacles climbing up my legs. I shiver, trying to dismiss the thought, and focus back on why I was marching down the hallway to begin with.
Irritation. I’m irritated. The entire time I’ve been here, there has been a guard assigned to watch my every move, making an escape impossible. Out of the six guards I’ve had—the same six males who accompanied Prince Dax to bring me here—Asher is the one who irritates me the most.
My anger seems to reach a boiling point and overflow as I march down the hall. Today’s shadow follows behind with a cheerful whistle. He’s been following me all day. “Asher, you do not have to follow me EVERYWHERE!” His constant happy attitude only feeds my irritation.
“Yes, I do, Little Snow Bunny.”
I look over my shoulder to glare as I snap, “Not my name!”
He shrugs and continues to follow me. “I feel the name is fitting. You’re a small bunny just flitting around trying not to get caught.”
“I have been caught!” I screech.
“Hum… you may have been caught, but I wouldn’t say you’re trapped.”
I ignore him as I throw open the doors to Dax’s meeting room. At some point during the last week, I found some courage. I quickly realized Dax wouldn't treat me like his father had. I don’t fully understand where my courage came from, but the guards haven’t done anything to me either. Which could also be feeding my bravery. Though, some of that courage could be fueled by my fear of not knowing what his plans are for me.
He’s not currently in a meeting, only working on paperwork at his desk. His eyes briefly look up before returning to his work. “Good afternoon, Eira. Are you in need of something?”
“I want to leave.”
He pauses over his paperwork and looks up to meet my eyes. “You wish to leave.” He hesitantly repeats each word as if trying to understand the meaning behind them.
I narrow my eyes at him as I state, “Yes. I want to leave.”
His eyes flick to Asher behind me before returning to me. “If you wish to leave the castle, you only need to ask one of my men. I’m sure Ash will gladly guard you as you walk the grounds.”
“I do not wish to be guarded! I wish to be free! I WANT TO LEAVE!”
He arches an unimpressed brow as he leans back in his chair. “Where would you go? You certainly cannot go back to your kingdom because my father is there. The other kingdoms would not take you in, considering my father controls them as well. Plus, they would dread retaliation for aiding and housing the female who was gifted to the prince by the very king they fear. So tell me, Little Raven. Where would you go?”
“I will not be trapped in this prison!”
He leans forward, his light blue eyes dancing in the light. “Have I chained you?”
“No… but…”
His voice rises over mine. “Have I locked you in your bedroom?”
My cheeks heat. “No.”
“Have I forced myself upon you? Have I allowed my men to rape you?”
My voice is meek as I reply, “No.”
“Then do tell me, how exactly are you trapped in my kingdom? I have provided you with my protection.”
“Your protection means nothing,” I sneer.
He shrugs as he leans back again. “It should.”
“You are just another villain like your father. You hold just as much responsibility for murdering an entire kingdom as he does,” I spit, venom behind each word.
“Eira,” Asher whispers urgently from behind me.
Dax’s body stiffens as he arches a brow. “Do I? Have you seen me kill anyone?”