Page 3 of A Constant Reminder
Chapter 3 – Tyler
As I followed the doctor into Sam’s room, machines beeped all around the tiny body lying in the bed.
She looked so small…so helpless.
Even though Sam was petite in stature, I was used to her being a force of nature. In that tiny frame, housed a woman with a loud laugh, an appetite that never quit, and the mouth of a sailor.
Dr. Wilshire took time to tell me that Sam had suffered a severe concussion, a broken arm, and significant bruising all over her body.
I didn’t know if I could handle the answer, but I still had to ask. “Was she sexually assaulted?”
“We did find some external trauma to her vagina, but no signs she was penetrated or otherwise assaulted.”
My chest heaved a heavy sigh of relief at the tiny silver lining.
“She should be coming out of the sedation any time now. You’re welcome to sit with her. I’m sure she would love to see a familiar face when she wakes up.” With that, she gave me a small smile and was out the door.
Pulling a chair up next to Sam’s bed, I prepared for the long haul. There wasn’t a chance in hell I was leaving this hospital unless she was leaving with me.
My arms crossed over my chest, and my knee bobbed up and down as my anxiety took hold. Time would stand still as I waited for her to wake up and tell me what happened…even though I am sure I could guess.
This whole thing reeked of James, Sam’s ex-boyfriend who had already beaten and raped her once with the help of his friends when they were all in high school.
I hated that man. I wanted to rip him limb from limb. My anger told me to stomp out of that hospital and track him down giving him what he deserved. But my concern for Sam kept my ass firmly planted in that seat.
A slight knock rapped on the door before my father poked his head in. “Can I come in?”
I nodded.
When he entered, he held two large cups of coffee and handed one to me.
“Thanks,” I said before taking a sip, letting the caffeine work its magic.
“Figured you wouldn’t be getting much sleep and may need it.” He walked over to the other chair in the room and pulled it up next to mine.
“Thanks for coming, Dad. It means a lot to me.”
“You’re welcome, but no thanks needed. We look out for our own in this family, and the way you look at Sam makes me think one day, she’ll be part of this family too,” he said with a warm smile.
The idea of Sam and I one day exchanging vows and having a family of our own brought me so much joy and excitement. I’d love to have her be mine forever and take my last name.
Just as quickly, my mood soured remembering how appalling my mother’s behavior towards Sam was.
“Not if Mom has anything to say about it,” I snapped.
“Yes, she was certainly out of line. I won’t deny that. She’ll come around. She always does. But I’m not here to defend your mother. I came here merely for support to make sure Sam is okay.”
A nod was all I gave in response.
Theo Wendell may not have always been the most present father figure while I was growing up…on account of him and my mother building a real-estate empire…but he was a good man. I never questioned if he loved us because he tried to be there, at least for the important things…the things that mattered. Things like being there for his son when that son’s girlfriend was in the hospital.
I would be forever grateful for his calming nature and reassuring presence as I sat in that hospital room, unsure of absolutely everything.
“What do you need? How can I help?” He asked.
I looked into his blue eyes which were an exact reflection of my own, swallowing hard trying to think of what needed to be done.
“Can you go get Sam’s dad and brothers from the airport? They should be arriving in the next hour or so.”