Page 37 of A Constant Love
She rolled her eyes. “Shut up. I was hoping you would never see that.”
“Why not?” I asked.
“Because it’s not exactly flattering. I’m sure it’s not very attractive.” Doubt creeped into her tone.
I pulled the car over next to one of the many cornfields leading back to the house.
She looked around. “What are you doing? Is the car okay?”
I nodded. “The car is fine, Sam, but I wanted to pull over and look you in the eyes when I tell you this because I want you to really hear me.”
Her eyes found mine as I continued.
“Sam, you’re wildly fierce and independent, and I don’t find a single thing wrong with that.”
She interrupted, “You wouldn’t rather have a girl who kept her mouth shut and minded her manners?”
“Hell no! What fun would that be? I like that you are spunky and full of passion. You constantly keep me on my toes. Being independent and able to defend yourself when you have to isn’t a bad thing. In fact, it’s sexy as hell.”
That got a smile out of her, but it quickly faded. “Ty, I need to apologize to you.”
“What the fuck for?”
“Because I feel like every time you turn around, you are getting another piece of me that you didn’t really ask for. It’s like you didn’t know what you were really getting yourself into.” She began biting her nails.
I grabbed her hands and held them in mine. “Kansas, I love that about you, too. I love getting pieces of the puzzle that is Sam Flemming. Every single thing I learn about you makes me love you even more.”
Her slight smile returned, but I could tell she wasn’t convinced.
“You listen to me, Kansas. You are a fucking badass…in every sense of the word. You are taking your past and telling it to fuck off. You are wonderful and amazing, and I wouldn’t trade you for anyone in the whole world.”
She leaned across the seat and kissed me. “I love you, Trust Fund.”
“I love you more, Kansas. Although now that I have seen your temper, I might have to start calling you Killer instead.”
Playfully, she punched me in the arm. “Oh, just drive.”
“No on the Killer? How about Mike Tyson? Right Hook? And when do I get to see you ride a mechanical bull?”
I kept going the entire ride, and she sighed and rolled her eyes the whole time.
Chapter 22 - Sam
Once we had gotten back to the house, it seemed to take forever to calm my brothers down from all of their praise about my recent freak out.
Honestly, I didn’t even think about hitting her. It just kind of happened. Maybe it was all the pent-up rage I had been holding in for so long. Maybe it was just that Melanie was a fucking bitch who needed to be taught a lesson.
Either way, I wasn’t really proud of myself. When I left Armstrong, I told myself I had left that wild child behind.
Actually, I think it was when I started dating James that I tried to let that part of my life go. He didn’t think it was proper for his girlfriend to act like anything but a lady.
And ladies shouldn’t go around punching people or cursing like a sailor.
I could still hear those words echoed in his voice…just another way I wasn’t good enough for him.
Hm. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing that good old Sammie was coming back. I had to admit that punching that bitch in the face was ridiculously satisfying.
After I had gotten my brothers calmed down, I asked Tyler if he would help me finish going through my mom’s closet.