Page 40 of A Constant Love
“I’ve met your mother. I know that is not the case.”
My laugh filled the empty field. “Touché, Kansas.”
“Come on, I have a surprise for you,” she said before taking my hand.
Ten minutes later, we were walking into a bar. Clouds of smoke filled the air as I tried not to cough. Guess I was just used to everything in Boston and New York being nonsmoking now.
The room was fairly dim, only a few lights hung here and there, and neon signs were plastered on every wall. The place looked like it hadn’t had a thorough cleaning in years, and it had a weird musty smell to it.
With as many people that were seated at the tables though, I figured it must be the only bar in town. Country music blared through the speakers so loud I could barely hear myself think.
Sam walked straight to the bar. “Two shots of the best whiskey you got.”
I looked around, noticing all of the eyes on us. “Sam, everyone is staring.”
She handed me one of the shot glasses the bartender had just put down. “Let them stare,” she said before downing the amber colored liquid.
I followed suit, feeling the burn all the way down. I eyed the bottle the bartender was putting away. Clearly, the ‘best whiskey’ in Armstrong wasn’t all that great.
“Kansas, what are we doing here?” I asked, knowing that she must be fully aware that this wasn’t exactly my idea of a good time.
“One time. You get to see this one time!” She held up her pointer finger in a number one.
“Get to see what one time?”
A wicked smile crossed her face as she walked over to a sperate area. The other side of the large area had been impossible to see from our previous location at the bar. But in this area, there was another slew of tables with more patrons scattered all about.
And right in the very center of the room…was a fucking mechanical bull.
Now, part of me had been joking about begging Sam to see her ride the bull, but damn, if I wasn’t excited in that very moment.
She took off her flannel shirt, exposing her tank top underneath and handed it to me. “Here, hold this.”
I watched her strut over to talk to the guy running the controls. Her ass looked amazing in those tight jeans with holes all over them. She had opted for another braid down her back instead of her typical messy bun. I liked it. But hell, I liked anything Sam did. I really didn’t care how she wore her hair because she’d look sexy as fuck no matter what.
Less than thirty seconds later, she walked to the bull, which looked giant in comparison to her. She hooked one foot on a stirrup and swung her other leg over, so she was firmly planted on its saddle.
A new country song began to blare as the bull started up. Sam shot me a sly grin. It started slow, but within seconds, it was moving faster, jarring back and forth. I worried that Sam was going to get flung off until…
Until I saw the look on her face. The look of unencumbered joy. The look of determination capped off with a huge smile. The look of absolute fearlessness. She wasn’t getting flung off that thing. No, she was making that bull her bitch.
She held on with one hand as the other waved in the air, and when the bull would lean back, she would kick one leg up in the air.
I had fallen in love with Sam when she was still hiding from the world. The old her was trapped inside of a shell that she used as her armor. But now, she was cracking that shell and emerging as something completely different…a combination of the fire that used to burn in her veins and the ice she’d been using to keep people at bay. Two worlds completely colliding.
And she was fucking stunning.
When her ride was over, and she was still completely intact, she skipped over to me. “Well, there you go. Just another look into the Sam looking glass. What’d you think?”
I leaned down to whisper in her ear, “I’m just wondering why you have never ridden me like that.”
Her green eyes flicked up to mine, “Trust Fund, you couldn’t handle it.” With a wicked grin, she moved past me, giving me a glimpse of that gorgeous ass.
“Oh, we are just going to have to find out about that.”
Chapter 24 – Sam
The next morning, I awoke in the arms of the sexiest man alive. You’d think I’d be used to Tyler’s extreme good looks by now.