Page 1 of A Constant Christmas
Chapter One
“Mommy. Mommy. Mommy, look. Mommy, look at my pretty picture.”
My eyes struggle to focus as one of my six-year-old twin daughters holds a picture up in front of my face. Apparently, they are very against me even closing my eyes for the briefest of moments these days.
I take the paper out of her hand and look closely at it.
A penis.
Okay, it’s not a penis, but I swear that’s exactly what it looks like.
“What is it, Abby?” I ask praying to God the word ‘penis’ (or any variation of it) doesn’t come out of her mouth. With our twins, you just never know.
“It’s a whale!” She exclaims as if offended that I didn’t automatically guess correctly.
“A whale?” I ask. “Oh yes, I see it now! Honey, it’s beautiful!”
“Can we hang it on the fridge?” She squeals.
“Sure, sweetie,” I say. Thankfully, they color so many pictures to hang on the fridge that a phallic-shaped one likely won’t stand out too much.
As she walks away, I look at the drawing once more.
Nope. Still no whale. Still just a penis.
Maybe I am just imagining that I’m seeing a penis seeing how it’s been so long since I’ve had some good dick.
Don’t get me wrong, my husband is dynamite in the bedroom. He knows exactly what I like, and have I mentioned he just might be the sexiest man on the planet?
No, it has nothing to do with him or his amazing penis. It’s all about me and how most nights, I feel too tired or gross to even begin to get turned on. Having six-year-old twins and a one and a half-year-old boy can do that to a woman.
I’m so tired most of the time that I feel like the bags under my eyes are growing bags of their own.
I probably sound like a typical wife and mom who hates her life, but that’s not it at all. I love my life. I love my husband. I love our kids. But I feel like lately, all I am is a wife and a mom. I don’t feel like much of a woman anymore. I am so busy catering to everyone else that I barely have time to do anything at all that would be considered relaxing.
As if right on cue, my handsome as hell husband walks through the door, just getting home from work. Although Tyler Wendell has always been a trust fund kid who never had to worry about money, he has always believed in hard work. His successful launch of a couple of popular apps eventually blossomed into an entire software company.
He went from working in our home office on the outskirts of Boston to having an 8000 square foot office space in Manhattan. As much as we loved Boston, we knew New York was going to be far better for making business contacts. So, we had a house built just outside of Brooklyn.
When his business got bigger, he offered to sell so that we wouldn’t have to uproot our lives and move, but I wouldn’t hear of it. He is doing so well, and I’m so proud of him. I would move to the ends of the Earth for him.
The moment he hits the front door, the kids are climbing all over him like he’s a jungle gym. “My babies!” He exclaims with a smile. He takes turns holding them and giving them hugs before setting them all back down. “Okay, hold on. I have to go say hi to beautiful Mommy.”
Walking over to me, he gives me a light brush on the lips. God, I miss when he would kiss me so hard that we were both naked in under two minutes. Now, even when we do manage to make it to the bedroom, there’s barely any kissing since we are both usually pressed for time or about to fall asleep.
“Hi, babe,” I say.
“I have a surprise for you,” he smiles.
“What’s that?” I ask, trying to muster as much excitement as I can.
“I brought home dinner.”
“You’re a Godsend,” I say, reciprocating his smile.