Page 39 of Rock Strong
But my brain pushed back the fear. I wanted to think I was strong enough for her. But…there was a major difference between my parents falling in love and me falling for Abby. My folks hadn’t had this life of fame, money, and excess to thwart their efforts and knock them off the straight-and-narrow path.
I could only hope that if—no, when—the time came for me to fight off temptation, I would be strong enough to handle it. In the meantime, I’d cling to Abby for dear life. If I followed her path, she might just lead me.
When the sun filtered in through the windows and Tucker’s idiotic face peered into the bunk at us, I knew I shouldn’t have brought Abby into this mess.
“So,” Tucker began.
“Tuck, don’t be a dick.” It was Wes’s voice from his bunk across the way.
“Leave him alone, Tucker,” Corbin’s deep voice warned from somewhere else.
“I’m not, I’m not…” he assured them. “So, you and Asian Persuasion, huh?” His arms hung on to the top bunk, and his face was shrouded in darkness from sticking it so far up his ass.
I felt Abby stir awake and curl into me, giving Tucker her back. Good for her. She was learning to ignore him, to let him say his stupid shit without being affected. Once you learned how not to let him under your skin, he was actually not a bad guy.
“It’s cool. No worries,” he said, nodding. “She’s a little defense mechanism to help you before you see the ex, to ensure you stay away from her, I get it.” He chuckled in the way an evil clown might assault your memories, and I did everything in my power not to let him get to me.
“You know,” I said carefully, “your face is just within reach of my fist, ol’ buddy.”
In the background, Wes laughed. “Tell him, bro.”
Tucker winked at me. “Just kidding, Lee, baby. No need to bring out the claws. I actually like you two. You look real cute. Reminds me of high school again. Hey, Abby, you know your boy here is just a glorified drama goon, right? Ask him to show you pics sometime of his Afro and glasses.”
“Sounds like a hottie,” Abby said, lifting her chin to kiss me long and slow. And deep. Full make-out. In front of Tucker. I loved this girl’s dark side.
“SSssszzzzz…” Tucker made a show of shielding his eyes from the sizzling sight, then he walked away, shaking his head. “Man, you guys do not want to go in there and see that shit. I don’t even know who that dude is. It’s like an alien ate Liam and pooped out his ugly remnants. Fucking scary.”
Abby giggled against my kiss. “I made him go away.”
“Supremely awesome. You make me proud, girl.”
In the middle of the parking lot, right by our sleeper bus, Abby stretched her hand out toward mine to keep from letting go. “I had a great night with you, Liam.”
I pressed her hand against my lips. “Me too, Abby.”
“Maybe I’ll see you in a few hours?” The way she said it was tinged with doubt, like she knew there might be a chance I’d be busy, like she’d heard about the Vancouver danger through the grapevine.
After spending the night with Abby, I felt confident there was no danger. That I wouldn’t hurt her. That I had it in me to be the man she needed, the same man I’d always wanted to become.
“Definitely. Have a great rehearsal, Ab, and don’t forget to practice Serenade, too. Can’t have you not getting into that uppity orchestra all because of that hot guy who’s always distracting you.” I winked at her. She smiled even though I’d called her philharmonic uppity, and I watched her walk away, hips straight, shoulders square, lugging her case with beauty in her purposeful steps. She glanced back once.
I waved, other hand in my pocket, no shirt, feeling the early morning chill, keeping an eye on her. I was just about to turn into the bus and face the buttload of questions I knew I’d be getting from the guys when Helen beat them to it. Severe lines were etched on her face, and her eyes were glassy and hard. She leaned against the bus, smoking what was probably her tenth cigarette of the morning.
“I guess you’re serious about her, huh?” she asked.
“I like her, yeah. Is that a problem?”
“You know, Liam…” She shook her head and kicked at the asphalt with the toe of her sneaker. “I’ve been with you every step of the way. I knew you when you drove a beat-up Honda with one door missing.”
“That’s what friends are for. I’ve always been there for you, too. It’s why we let you come along with us.”
“Oh, you let me come along with you?” Her eyebrows flew up in rage.
“What? Did I say something wrong? It’s true, isn’t it? You come with us because you’re one of us. We want you here.”
She scoffed. “Don’t do me any favors, Liam.”
“What the fuck are you talking about, bro?” I asked, though I was starting suspect.