Page 19 of Four Times Saved
That thought had me racing to the master bathroom and pulling up the toilet seat just in time to reject everything from my stomach. My head was on a wheel and my stomach was shredded up into little flesh strips when I flushed the toilet and pulled away to the mirror. She couldn't be dead. She couldn't be. I wouldn't let myself think that. Looking in the mirror, I startled at my reflection. My amber brown skin was as pale as its melanin could allow, making the dark circles beneath my eyes more prominent. Redness streaked my sclera. My once supple and vibrant skin dragged. I looked nothing like the man I was used to seeing. Always one for a smile, I doubted I'd ever learn to smile again.
No, I had to remain positive. Leaning on the bathroom sink, I forced myself to come up with something that would help me bring Lily home. The phone started ringing again.
"Damn it, Ann-Marie." I groaned before rinsing my mouth with some water and returning to the bed. For what reason, I was unsure, because I wouldn't be able to sleep. But I couldn't bear the thought of going out there to stare into my best friends' faces at the moment and watch them experience the same pain I was feeling and asking the same questions I needed answers to. There wasn't a lot of motivation left to speak to anyone who didn't have direct access to Lily. Picking up the phone, I was about to shut it off, but something stopped me at the last moment and I answered. I didn't know what that something was, but I hoped it was good news, because there was no way it could get any worse than this.
My wife's shadow appeared before she did. I looked up from the laptop screen before me to find her bringing me a tray as was our regular routine whenever I was working late. However, tonight was no ordinary night. We both knew it.
It took her a moment to meet my gaze once she rested the tray on my desk.
She took a breath. It trembled. "So, have you done it?" she asked.
Leaning back, I watched her. "All you have to do is say the word."
She swallowed, bringing my attention to her slender neck. Even in the worst moments, I was attracted to her. Her chest lifted and fell, and my eyes were brought to her bosom. There was no denying that being this close to danger again got me hot and bothered. But I knew this wasn't the appropriate time. The appropriate time would be when her best friend was home and safe. I could do that for her and I was just waiting on her word.
I was a boss when it came to certain things, but when it came to her, I'd sit at her feet, awaiting her orders.
She swallowed. Grinding her teeth, her eyes shifted from side to side as she fidgeted with her fingers. This was her call. I wouldn't interfere.
"Okay, wait." She barked in the silence as if the conflict in her head was too loud, talking over all the other voices. "Wait," she repeated softer and to herself, reaching for the phone. Her hands shook as she entered the numbers into the keypad. I took a deep breath.
"Hi! Hi, Ryan. It's me." She rushed. "Has there been any updates? I know you were waiting for the twenty-four hour period to go back to the police." A pause. Her pecan brown skin heated. "What?!" She screamed. "Lily's clean! The fucking nerve!" My wife's blood vessels were pushing their way out of her skin. I spread my palm across her slender back, reminding her not to pop one of them.
A gasp followed, preceding a lower, unsure tone. "No. I don't have much information on Marco." With a gulp and clearing of the throat, she turned to look at me. "But I know someone who might." Her knuckles turned white from gripping the phone. My pulse vibrated beneath my skin at the prospect of tasting danger again, but I composed myself. It was her decision that would determine what I did next.
She nodded at the phone in her hand. "Yeah, I'll to him."
As she hung up, I said nothing, waiting. She huffed and turned away from me, as if to gather herself. When she turned back around, she sniffed, and at the sight of her tears, I bristled. Reaching for her, I got one brush of my finger across her cheek to wipe away the tears before she flinched and pulled away from my touch.
"I'm sorry. I know I'm the one asking this of you, but..." She gasped.
"You're disgusted by me," I interjected.
She shook her head. "No." She gulped and stepped closer to me. "No." She grabbed the lapels of my jacket. "I'm scared."
"Don't be." I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist. This time, though, instead of pulling away, she hissed with determination and leaned into me. I knew this took a lot from her to ask of me, and doubt swirled around in deep brown eyes. I cradled her delicate face (she's such a tiny woman) and I made her a promise. "I won't let you down."
She nodded, letting out a shuddering breath against my pale blue button-down shirt. "Just don't enjoy it too much."
That's a promise I couldn't make.
"Is that your fifth beer?" I said without looking at Ryan over my shoulder.
Ethan and I were seated at the kitchen island, trying to work out how to get fifty million dollars in cash.
"Who's he talking to?" Ryan cracked open his beer.
"His lawyer, about that private investigator." I looked up and took a drink of my own beer as a knock on the door caused me to almost choke on it. It even awoke Eric, who had fallen asleep despite his fight against his painkillers. The knock sounded again, loud and authoritative, at two o'clock in the morning.
"Who the fuck is that?" Eric jumped up, biting against the pain in his ribs.
It wouldn't be the Airbnb manager at this time, would it? Wary, we looked at each other.
"Do you think it's one of the kidnappers? Maybe that's not all they do? They could be here to kill us too. What do we do?" I panicked.