Page 28 of Four Times Saved
"You ain't gon' find nothing. You're just wasting your time," Terry spat.
"We'll see about that, won't we?" Tyler asked as the other container was unlocked.
"You really think she might be in one of these?" Ryan gulped.
Matt reddened. My jaw locked. On one hand, I was hoping that she was here so we could get her back, but on the other hand, of course I didn't want her to be locked away in one of these dark, windowless containers.
"I don't know," I hissed, tapping my feet to keep up with my racing pulse.
When the next container opened and there was trash inside it, Matt sighed and rubbed his head.
"There are about fifteen empty containers. We'll be here for a while," the worker warned.
Imagining her lying on the floor of one of these had my own chest tighten and my own oxygen restricted.
"Well, then hurry it up," I motioned, looking toward Terry.
Something clicked. He was jittery. He kept glancing at one container in particular.
"Wait... Open that one," I gestured at the one that had captured Terry's attention.
He stepped forward, and I almost started clapping. "This is ridiculous," he began to complain. "She's not here."
The tremor in his voice urged me. "Hurry up," I barked at the worker and walked toward him, ready to jump in and pull my woman out of there.
My heart got trapped in my throat as the latches were removed and the hinges of the doors gave way.
Terry inched closer.
I ran inside as soon as one door was opened up.
My feet echoed against the metal.
And it was empty, just like the rest of them.
Terry heaved a stumbling breath and lurched forward. He flung his hands toward the empty box. "See, I told you!" He joined me inside and leaned up against a metal wall. "I don't have Lily. I don't know where she is. Haven't seen her since the last time. Now, will you please fuck off?"
Needing a moment to catch my breath, I hurried outside, out of the view of the rest of the guys and pulled in as much air as I could. Trembling from the weight on my chest, I fell to the ground, breaking apart in sobs. I was certain she'd be in there.
"Keep checking!" Eric wailed.
"You better not be lying to me, old man," Tyler's voice bounced off the walls of the container they were still standing in. "Or I will make you regret it. That's a promise."
But I needed a moment. I couldn't stand up yet. We'd be here for hours and with each disappointment, the wind was slapped out of me.
Chapter 14
The darkness of the Airbnb welcomed our silence. What was left to speak about? Today had been an emotional rollercoaster, and I was left drained. We'd only be saying the same thing to each other anyway, because that's all we were good for. Talking to fill us with purpose during a time when we were helpless, yielding no results. I grabbed a few beers from the fridge and found the energy to hand some out.
The corner of the room called me to it and offered me a promise of solace. There, I drowned myself in alcohol and clutched the only thing I had left of Lily. Photos.
Her smiling face morphed into a frown. Her eyes begged me to find her, and I chugged my beer to drown out her sobs. I berated myself for sitting there and running away through drink, but I didn't know where else to look, who else to talk to. I'd exhausted all options.
Lily was somewhere, and all that was left to hope for was that she was still alive. Alive and suffering. Alive and desperate to be found. Alive and lost, somewhere no one could hear her voice. Slowly rotting away while I was here, drinking beer. I'd change places with her in a heartbeat.
I wished I could snap my fingers and make it so. Why the hell wasn't that an option?