Page 35 of Four Times Saved
The contact spoke. "We've caught sight of the assumed kidnapper's vehicle. After getting the call from the hospital in Virginia, we requested all the security footage from the past twenty-four hours. We were able to get a clear picture of the unknown male and the vehicle of escape. It's been spotted pulled up on the side of the road. We have reason to believe he's fled into the forest with her."
Recalling the trees and the brown and green smashed foliage on the ground, I put two and two together. "Yes! You're in the correct area. Please keep searching. We just got a video from the kidnapper, threatening to kill her. Please hurry!"
From Ethan's phone, the reporter's voice was coupled with absolute chaos; helicopters whipped the wind, instructions were being shouted. It was like a damn war film. I called my mom and dad, trying to juggle two things at once. Their cellphones went unanswered, so I tried their house phone.
"I hope you're not watching the news!" I pleaded as soon as the receiver was picked up.
"No, these idiots have us playing cards as if we're old people in a home. I'm dying to know what's happening, but they've confiscated our phones. What's the update?" my mom asked.
"I'll tell you later." I injected some strength into my voice. Though I was hoping that later would hold some positive news, I couldn't be sure.
"Mrs. Fletcher, who are you speaking to?" A voice said in the background, before speaking to me. "Hello?"
"Did you just snatch the phone from me? I will knock you upside the head..." I could hear my mother's voice echoing.
"Hi, it's Eric," I announced.
"Oh, hi Eric. It's your mom's nurse. Mr. Fletcher! Please sit back down!" she yelled.
"Is everything okay?" My heart sank.
"Yes, yes, dear. They're just being stubborn, but not to worry, there's a full staff of medical professionals and security on hand," she breathed.
Her exhaustion was clear. "Thanks for being there when I can't," I said with my whole chest. Between worrying about them and Lily, I didn't know how I was still standing.
"No worries. I hope Lily makes it back home safely. I'm sorry, I have to go..." she apologized.
"Yes, yes. That's okay. Thanks," I heaved.
"Was that more news?" Matt asked me.
Filled up with so much air and no way to release it, my voice broke as I marched out the door.
Matt turned the TV on, finding a live streaming of the news. I hurried forward and plastered my eyes on the screen.
"I should prepare the place for her return," Matt mumbled to himself. "Get her those bath things she likes and some fresh clothes. Food. She'll need food. And a new phone." He grabbed his keys and hurried out the door.
My phone rang. It was Tyler. "Hey man, as soon as I saw the news, I jumped in my car. I'm on my way over to the forest now, what do you want me to do?"
I was frazzled. "What do you mean? Eric's contacts are already on it."
"He arranged all that?" he asked, with an upward inflection in his tone.
"Long story, but yeah," I answered half-assed, not wanting to be distracted from following every move, but the reporter was annoying me. I'd rather see the live footage, not her.
"Okay, but what if they don't get to them in time?" Tyler asked.
I knew what he was insinuating.
"They'll get to them faster than you can," I argued.
"Who are you talking to?" Ethan asked.
I let out an irritated breath. "It's Tyler," I said, walking away from Ethan because I couldn't listen to him, Tyler, and the fucking news all at once.
Ethan snatched the phone and I was happy to let him take over the conversation, until I heard him say, "If you can get to them first, and you can do it without getting caught, ki—"