Page 59 of Four Times Saved
Padding my thumb across her cheek, I wiped away the tear stains while turning on the light in my smile. "I was wondering if you were still up for that surprise."
Her eyes twinkled and she moved toward me, keeping her voice low. "It's broad daylight, and we have the nurse staying here. We can't sprawl outside there for another picnic." She tapped my chest and pulled on my shirt to give me a kiss.
I had a flashback to the steamy night on her lawn when I learned of her attraction to Ryan. That same night she came harder than anyone I've fucked before ever had. Damn, that night was hot. My balls tightened thinking about it. I swallowed and shook my head, grinning past the hoarseness in my throat. "No, horny."
She grinned, running her hand over my shirt and pushing me out of the room and into the hallway, so she could sneak her hands under the fabric and over my abs while kissing me. I dodged her lips and she pulled her brows in.
"I was thinking we could do like old times. Get away to a beach, lay on the sands, and let the waves wash over our thoughts."
Her palms went cold against my skin and she froze.
"What is it?" I asked, putting down the basket to hug her.
"It sounds like a wonderful idea, but..." She murmured against my shoulder.
"Okay, that's okay," I said, stroking her back. "Why not?" I probed, disappointed in myself for upsetting her.
"Do you know if they arrested my father yet? Or if his partner got caught? I've been avoiding the news." She pulled back and hugged herself. Her pupils were tiny dots.
Of course. I should've thought about her leaving the house. I'd also been so focused on Lily, I hadn't checked on anything outside of these four walls. Except the beach, with my dumbass. As I pulled out my phone and typed her name into the search engine, my chest tightened. Looking up at Lily and watching her eyes shift, I reached out to stroke her shoulder before reading the headlines.
Kidnapping Suspects At Large. They read.
My blood boiled. What the fuck, man? How does that asshole father of hers keep evading justice? Not more than a few minutes after reading the news, the doorbell rang and my blood ran cold. I pulled my brows together. As far as I knew we weren't expecting anyone else. The hairs on my skin rose and I ran downstairs with Lily on my heels. There's no way...
He wouldn't dare. He doesn't have the nerve.
But if it is...
Lily might see a side of me that'll leave her hating me. And that would end up ruining things between me and her. All because of him. Again. I can't fucking stand that man and I wish he'd just fucking leave her life already. I want her to feel safe, damn it. And as long as him and the fucker he recruited are still 'at large', she won't.
Chapter 29
Sauntering to the door, I wasn't expecting to be greeted by Ann-Marie and Tyler. My easy-going morning slammed to a halt.
"Ann!" Lily said behind me, forcing me to fix my face into a smile.
"Come on in," I grumbled, stepping aside and maintaining eye contact with Tyler.
We hadn't spoken with each other since, well, yesterday when Ethan suggested that he kill Lily's kidnapper. I gulped, glancing back at the other guys with a question forming wrinkles on my forehead. Did you invite them over without us discussing everything? I did my best to communicate that without words.
A vee appeared between the middle of Ethan's brows, Eric shook his head, and Matt looked between them and shrugged.
"Oh, I'm so happy you're back in one piece. When the guys told me what happened, I was losing my mind. I even got Tyler involved." She held Lily close and my heart dropped.
I spun around to pin Tyler with my eyes, begging him not to mention our involvement at all, questioning how much his wife knew.
"I tell you what, you have a few keepers here. They were willing to do whatever they could to get you back. I can't believe they got the army to come to your rescue, and get the cops to finally get off their asses!" Ann continued.
My eyes started shifting all over the room and my skin grew as tight as a blown-up balloon on the verge of popping. Tyler caught my wandering gaze and nodded at me for some privacy. My throat was constricted as I called the other guys over, my ears peeled on Lily's and Ann's conversation.
"How much does your wife know?" I whispered as soon as we were out of earshot.
"Oh, there's a lot she doesn't know." Tyler let out a breath.
"Please, you can't say anything to Lily. I'll do anything," Eric panicked.