Page 60 of Four Times Taken
What's the point of being angry at someone who's just doing the shit you're too chicken shit to do? That's the whole reason I'm sulking here with her hot dog in my hand, watching them go off together alone. I looked with disdain at all the other adult couples strolling hand in hand with smiles on their faces. After standing next to them, aroused and jealous, as he made her moan without regard for the public when she's a woman easily embarrassed by public gestures, my blood had been roaring.
It's all because he has the balls to do what I haven't been able to do since meeting Lily over a month ago. He's putting the moves on her. I know he is. I've been on the receiving end of his 'moves,' and that little murmur right next to her ear, talking about 'Is that better?' is one of his moves. He ain't slick.
But I can sulk and throw a hissy fit, or I can grow some balls and go after the woman I want. After all, I have Eric's permission.
Lily and I have a connection we've been dancing around for too long, and I'm not letting Matt get in there and swoop her up before I can even get my foot in the door. Eric might be her number one, but she's my number one. Matt can get her third place spot, but I'm not taking the risk of her thinking that I don't care about her in the way I do. And I know she's down. She's been acting shy lately, looking away and blushing whenever our eyes meet, but if she just moaned for Matt, at least I know she's down for more than just Eric.
And at the end of the day, it's up to her to decide who she shares her body with. Whether it's just Eric or me, Matt... who knows, maybe even Ethan might get lucky. Damn, her in the center of all of us? I can't let my mind go there. Not now. Not here. I wouldn't be able to control myself.
Time is of the essence; I'm not wasting any more of it. I can't forget the time she moaned and panted in my ear or the way she locked eyes with me, no embarrassment whatsoever, as Eric pounded her slapping-wet pussy, and my mouth watered for some of her. I could almost see her lips forming to call me over and ask me to join them. All she'd have to do is ask and I'd drop my pants faster than she could blink.
Man, those lips of hers. Pink in her resting state, red when she's aroused or embarrassed, tight when she's thinking too hard and dancing with permanent mischief even when it's not her intention. I catch myself staring at them all the time, wanting to forget everybody else and take them with mine. I need those lips. I need her. I'm going crazy here. Desperate and crazy isn't something I do. It's about time I stop suppressing what we both want and do something about it.
Lily and Matt grinned as they walked over to me, all wobbly knees, and her short dirty-blond hair was wind tussled. She's flushed, and her laughter rolled off her body with a freedom I haven't seen in her since we met.
"Are you guys okay?" I couldn't help but be infected by her happiness.
"My head's still spinning. I don't know how I'm still standing right now." She leaned into Matt's embrace, grinning.
"It's like walking on space." Matt's laughter was true and hearty. He's had his moment. I'm happy for him. It'It's my turn now.
"Yet you still manage to look as beautiful as ever," I said.
"Me?" Matt pulled back, appalled.
"No, dumbass. Lily, of course," I quipped, sweeping her hair off her face and out of her eyes when she got close enough, despite Matt's arms around her.
She stilled and I worried that I'd crossed a line. She straightened herself up, detaching from Matt, and reached for her hot dog, brushing my hand with hers.
Her breath caught and when she spoke, there's a rasp in her voice. "Thanks."
My heart kickstarted. "Anytime." I smiled at her, keeping my eyes locked onto hers when she put the hot dog in her mouth. Her eyes didn't leave mine, and she closed her mouth around it. My gaze dropped to those damn lips, and I bit down on my own without thinking.
There's sauce on her face when she removed the sausage from her mouth. I fought the urge to lean forward and lick it off. Instead, I laid my finger beneath her chin with a feathery touch, directing her head upward and removing the sauce with my thumb, sucking it off after.
She shivered, and I wondered if her panties were wet beneath those tight jean shorts. If I removed that skin-hugging black T-shirt, I'd be rewarded with rosy nipples, as red as the tip of her nose, her cheeks, and her lips were at that moment. Her gaze told me she had thoughts of her own as it dropped lower and lower until it's focused on the crotch of my faded black jeans. Tilting my head in amusement, I lifted the hem of my shirt to 'scratch my belly' for her benefit, flashing her the subtle abs I'd worked hard for this month. She licked her lips, and I clenched my fists to stop a reaction in my pants.
The van in the parking lot would be a great place to find out how wet she was, but I wondered how much was too much. I didn't want to push too hard or too fast past her limit and spook her again, but I'm done with not making my intentions clear. We've been dancing around each other for over a month, damn it. Why can't we dance together? I'll meet her halfway, hell, even seventy-five percent, but she's got to meet me the rest of the way too, if this is going to happen. And damn, I hope it will.
Chapter 40
The sexual tension was crazy hot. I'd been fought over before, but I'd been accustomed to the Marco way. Not this kind of civilized, subtle competition between two men I could rest assured I'd be safe with. It's hard not to want to soothe them both, let them know there's no need for competition, that there's enough of me to go around. But I remembered Eric and I video called him to find him and Ethan taking such care with my mother that my heart warmed and guilt crept in.
"Don't tell me Matt and Ryan are already getting on your nerves." Eric's handsome grin zoomed into the camera lens. It's always sunny in Eric's world. It's one of the things I love about him.
"They tend to do that," Ethan said from behind Eric.
The camera turned around so I could see Ethan pushing my mother alongside a tranquil lake. The noise and activities had scared away the wildlife so it's just dark water making tiny laps beneath the Carolina sunshine.
"No. It's not that. It's just... I guess it's kind of weird not having you guys here and leaving you with my mom. How's she getting along? Has she eaten? Drank any water? Did you remember the pureed food I put in her insulated lunch bag? It's labelled..." I started.
"Lily." Eric stopped me with that look of his that told me to calm the fuck down without saying it aloud. "Your mom is fine. Yes, she's eaten. She's had water. If there was anything wrong, I'd call you. So, why don't you just admit you called cause you miss me?" he teased, and I grinned. "Are you having fun?" he asked.
"Yeah. More fun than I've had in..." I paused. "Well, I can't remember how long it's been since I've had this much fun. I actually feel my age. How great is that?!" I grinned.