Page 16 of Light Fae's Love
We come together finally, in a massive wave of light that flashes all through us, inundating the waterfall glade. For one moment, the Music of the Spheres explodes through us in a symphony of heavenly glory, as I cry out his name as Lucca cries out mine.
We collapse together—kissing over and over in a spent, incredible delight. The Music fades as my leg slips to the side and Lucca clutches me close, his heart and breath heaving as our wave of glorious light calms.
His entire body shudders and mine does also, our mutual rainbows braiding and re-braiding as they simmer through the glade on the last traces of Music. No longer just dark or bright, our combined magics are dark-bright and bright-dark all at once, strangely similar to how Lucca’s and Quinn’s powers have braided together on multiple occasions. It’s Lucca’s and my power doing that scintillating dance now as we revel in each other.
An amazing interplay of shadows and light shimmering all through the hallowed glade.
“Goddess!” At last able to brace himself on his elbows so he’s not crushing me, Lucca kisses my lips. “Ariana Summers, you are nothing less than a goddess!”
“You’re not so bad yourself!” I laugh as we settle into the afterglow—still glowing throughout the glade, as rainbows everywhere glorify in the sun’s last rays slanting across the field.
With a gleeful chuckle, Lucca executes a lithe movement; he rolls himself to the crushed grass, pulling me up atop him. He growls, cuddling me close to his amazingly fit body and winding me so tight in his arms I’m deliciously squished.
It’s just where I want to be as I laugh, delighted by our first lovemaking and growling at him back now in a sudden, animalistic way I’ve never done with anyone. But Lucca only laughs.
And cradles me in his strong, swordsman-fit arms as the evening winds cool our drying sweat.
“God, if everyone could fuck like this, the world would be a much happier place!” Lucca nuzzles my lips again, then kisses me.
“Hear, hear.” I grin as I settle my head on his chest. Lucca is impeccable, and I get to revel in it now as I lay naked atop him. Fae-lean but strong with the perfect amount of muscle, he’s gloriously honed in a way that makes me want to just run my fingers over him all day. I start to now, easing my fingers along his ridged abdomen, then sliding them over his fit chest and stark hipbones.
Making him laugh as my fingers tickle him.
“Stop! My gods, stop. You’ll make me want to throw you down again and fuck you more.” Lucca clutches my hand, pressing it to his chest. I smile, feeling the deep, strong beat of his heart, nuzzling my face in his chiseled chest and kissing him lightly.
“You’re so… vivid compared to Quinn. So bright and full of life…”
“I’m Summer Fae.” Lucca is gentle now as he looks down at me. “This is how we are, Ariana. We revel in life, we enjoy it, and it strengthens us. Everything we do is out of love and passion, bliss and the blaze of laughter in a hot midsummer’s day. Drinking, fighting, negotiating, sex… it’s all done with this same glory. It’s who we are.”
“Yes, but… you have it more than most.” I try to put my finger on what makes Lucca so different from the rest of his people. Even though I’ve met other Royal Summer Fae who have tremendous power, I still can’t quite understand it, but it’s as if Lucca simply shines with a brighter glory than the rest of his kin.
And with a darker passion, through his old bond to Quinn.
“Dress you in rags, and you’d still shine this way,” I muse as my fingers peruse the hard planes of his chest and the gold and white Faeanic sigils tattooed upon him. “Brighter than all the rest. And darker, too, because of your connection to Quinn.”
“Some Fae-tales say that to blaze too much is a bad thing,” Lucca says with that simmering darkness now; I glance up to see a deep pensiveness in him. His eyes have darkened to a lovely evening cobalt as the sun begins to set behind the waterfalls. “I’ve always been this way, Ariana; more passionate than my kin. It didn’t seem like a difference when Quinn and I were children, but as we got older, after he was turned Vampire… it enhanced, I guess.”
“You hide the fullness of your passion.” I understand with the deepest truth of my magic now, sensing a wound in Lucca that he and I haven’t talked about yet. Deep inside, his brightness is so massive, it churns like a maelstrom—I can feel it inside our bond. His ability to shine so brightly, yet so strangely dark, is something Lucca controls most of the time, I understand then.
Blinking, I push up so I can see him—as a dark midnight shade takes his beautiful blue eyes.
“To shine too much is a dangerous thing in a Fae Court, Ariana.” Lucca is sorrowful now as I find him out. He strokes my cheek gently with his hand. “All my life, my father punished anyone who outshone him. I have tried to control it… and not show him how truly hot and wrathful I can go when my passions take me.”
“You and Quinn both hide how powerful you are.” I gaze down at Lucca. I’ve seen him become damn near a ball of lightning during battles, with enormous Fae-wings of sunlight practically going supernova as they sprout from his back.
But even now, when things got so hot and heavy between us, I know he’s controlling it. He is stopping his massive power from blazing too bright.
Just like Quinn controls his from going too powerfully dark.
“When we fought your father’s Darkwatch in the ravine all those weeks ago, you seemed like your power was gone after all that fighting. Was it?” I ask now, wondering.
“No.” Lucca shakes his head as he holds me with a very serious gaze. He reaches up to stroke a lock of sex-tangled hair back from my face. “What was exhausted was my body and my control. If I had unleashed the fullness of my blaze without my body and mind’s firm control after we had done that much fighting, Ariana, it would have gone wild. It would have killed my father’s Darkwatch, many of whom are friends, and very well may have killed you and Quinn. I couldn’t take that risk. So I let them take me, knowing Quinn could get you out and heal you.”
“You sacrificed yourself that night to save us.” I understand, stroking his jaw as I recall what Quinn said about the King’s golden manacles, and Lucca’s abuse under his father. “Then you sacrificed yourself again a week ago when you made that Vampire Bloodsign in the grass to save us from those Revenants.”
“And I would do it again, rather than see you or Quinn get burned by a Bellari’s power, or hurt by some Vampire plotting against us,” Lucca says, sober now as he brings my hand to his lips and kisses my fingers. “I did not just inherit my father’s rage in my magic, Ariana. I also inherited my mother’s steadfastness. Which I wield for you and Quinn, and for my people, rather than seeing any of you come to harm. By everything I am, I swear it.”
I lean in and kiss him then, loving my bound Fae Prince’s beautiful heart and valiant love. As we part, still beaming at each other, a cool wind sweeps the glade from the waning day. Something about it strikes me; I glance over as something draws my attention out in the grass.