Page 28 of Light Fae's Love
Not to mention the woman’s sudden disappearance, as if escaping his runes was easy.
Despite that, nearly everything went according to Quinn’s plan today; but I know he hoped to have a Vampire sworn to his Dark Haven at the end, thus convincing King Bellari of our ability to grow our might for a push towards Rome.
Regardless, our demonstration made a deep impression on the Summer Fae as whispers erupt all around now, fans fluttering wildly. Quinn watches the rumor-mill begin among the disheveled Fae nobility, smiling with deep cunning. Lucca watches also, alert for backlash from this demonstration as Fae all around peruse him with intrigued gazes.
But as they understand the extent of their Prince’s power—to harmonize the infamous Music of the Spheres, along with a Master Vampire and a Dark Fae—King Bellari sees it, too. For though his golden aura smolders with wrath, he shuts his lips. He sets his jaw, staring Quinn down with the most blistering hatred I’ve ever seen. As he looks back to me and Lucca, Lucca stares his father down in quiet defiance, despite Alleno still healing the smoldering ruin of his left forearm.
At last, the King gives his son a nod.
Though his golden eyes burn to do it.
“We have seen powerful magics today,” King Archivolio Bellari says then, loud enough to be heard by the entire hall as his voice echoes through the vast space. “My son Lucca, true Prince of my loins, can wield the Music of the Spheres—an ancient and little-understood art, though formidable. Used in tandem with the Master Vampire Quindici DaPonti and the Dark Fae Ariana Summers,” King Bellari gives us each a nod now, though it’s tight, “this power has done a wonder unforeseen in our halls today—returning a mad Vampire Revenant to their right mind and flesh. We see promise in this, and would be amenable to continuing peace talks with the Vampires of Florence.”
“We have terms,” Quinn says, as he stares the King down with dark fire in his eyes.
“Of course.” King Bellari’s words come with a small snarl as his golden eyes burn. He pins Lucca with his gaze; Lucca stands strong, however, meeting it and doing him one better with his furiously white-blue eyes.
I see darkness and light both in Lucca, as he stares his father down and whispers erupt again through the hall. The King pins me last with his fire-gold eyes, giving a soft, murderous snort. I know we’re in for a shitshow then, though he’ll hold our alliance from the power we just showed. It’s going to be a rocky ride in Florence, however, as the King’s gaze leaves me and he gestures elegantly to the cage.
A rocky ride we all will have to endure—until we secure our aims at last.
“Take your contraption home,” King Bellari says to Quinn, though his voice is still furious as it echoes through the hall. “We shall meet anon for further talks, Master DaPonti.”
“My King,” Quinn says with grace, as he bows low to the Summer Fae King. Setting my hand to his arm, he turns—though I don’t miss the subtle wink he gives Lucca as we pass.
The smallest, wryly amused smile lifts Lucca’s lips as he shakes his head at us. His energy pours through our trio now, though, in a beautiful wave, grateful that everyone is safe today. As Quinn passes Lucca, Lucca’s fingers steal out, brushing Quinn’s.
I see Quinn’s smile go from pleased to aching as his gaze meets Lucca’s.
And then we’re past, moving back through a parting wave of astonished noblefae and Brightwatch. Quinn swirls his smoke-dark aura, levitating the empty cage and moving it back out of the hall.
As the King’s entire throne room erupts into gossip—that not even the Brightwatch’s bashing of spear-butts upon the marble floors can stop.
Elation fills me as Quinn and I drive away from the Palace of Light in our manticore carriage, victorious. I’m not sure if it’s my elation or his pouring through me, though, as we travel through the cobbled streets of Florence back towards the Red Letter Hotel. Before we can enter the Hotel’s marble courtyard where vehicles drop guests off, however, Quinn frowns. He slaps the carriage roof, sending a quick mind-communique to his Vampire driver.
To take us past the Hotel and out of the city entirely.
I glance at him, blinking—and am astonished to see an amused smile on Quinn’s lips. It’s enigmatic; as I cock my head at him, he glances over, still smiling. “I believe someone wishes to speak with us after that show just now at the palace.”
“Who? Where are we going?” His elevated mood is making me smile now, but Quinn says no more, his dark eyes glittering with an amused secret as he shakes his head. He is tapping a finger against his thigh in the way he does when he’s deep in thought, passing mind-directions to our driver as we roll out into the beautiful summer countryside. As we turn off the main road, though, down lane after lane of rutted tracks, moving into a deep silver forest in the Florentine countryside as evening overtakes the day, I know he still hasn’t given our driver a proper destination.
As we leave civilization behind, I stare at Quinn, wondering where we’re going. But then we pull into a grassy field and I see the towering reaches of Lucca’s Livingtree, Valorhome, rising before us. I blink in astonishment, amazed at our destination and that Quinn knows of it.
But Quinn only sets a hand to the roof of the carriage, sending a hypnotic mind-communique to his driver. Take the carriage home to the Hotel. Then forget this place. Tell Devi I will return with Ariana anon.
Quinn and I step from the carriage, but the driver doesn’t even look at us, so swayed is he under Quinn’s mind-spell. As soon as Quinn shuts the door, the driver cracks his whip over the manticore team and the carriage lurches away. It rounds the trees and disappears into the forest, as the beautiful mesh of flowering vines that keeps the arched entrance into the treehouse’s massive trunk flows back.
And there is Lucca, striding from the treehouse with Alleno—his blue eyes bright.
Lucca moves to Quinn, gripping his shoulders with an incredulous shake of his head and a robust laugh, then slaps Quinn’s chest heartily. Reaching up in a tender gesture next, Lucca grips Quinn’s nape, gentler now as he sets their foreheads together.
“You are mad, Valerio! Utterly mad…!” Lucca says as he shakes Quinn. I take a moment to remember Quinn’s original Fae name was Valerio Incendari, back when he was the Summer Fae Prince before Lucca.
“Glad to see someone still appreciates my talents,” Quinn smiles back, though like Lucca, he’s tender now in a way that’s rare for him.