Page 12 of Dark Fae's Destiny
“Time to get going.” Quinn glances out the towering windows now as he steps into shiny black Oxfords. Beyond our vaulted cathedral hall, the sun is setting, and we don’t want to be late for whatever is coming.
Just then, we hear a knock at the vaulted main doors. Quinn goes to open them and Ariana and I accompany him; Gideon is there, wearing only a simple white shirt and grey slacks tonight, as if he, too, understands we stand on no formality here.
“Ah! You’re all prepared. Follow me.” His dark-bright eyes light to see us all dressed. He turns, beckoning for us to follow him, and we head out into the cathedral proper with all its towering staircases and vaults.
It’s not long before we’re back out front beside the canal. Gideon nods for us to follow him and we do, heading over the bridge and proceeding through the rainbow-lit city.
As the sun dips below the horizon and twilight descends, we watch all that towering opulence and light change into its strangely beautiful, macabre darkness. As if Carnevale comes alive every night here, it’s haunting and amazing as we head through the evening city.
No clue where we’re going.
At last, the street opens up into a grand plaza before us. My eyebrows lift in astonishment to see the Basilica di San Marco ahead; even I know the infamous plaza we traverse now.
Rather than head into the cathedral, however, which looks immensely similar to the one in both the human world and the Twilight Realm, we skirt its towering domes and facades to head down a set of stairs to the left. This entire area would be under water had this been the human world; here, however, the water level of the canals has been corralled in the most incredible manner, with intense water-art that cascades all around us as we head into the underground.
The space at the foot of the corkscrewing stair is a crypt; haunting Fae-lights brighten ornate torch brackets as Gideon gives a complex knock on the stone door before us.
It opens, and one of the Dark Fae Sages from earlier welcomes us. A woman, she’s ebony-skinned, lean and tall, her eyes the vibrant color of fallen leaves, which I know means she has Autumn Fae heritage.
She wears a comfortable cotton dress with a bold red and gold pattern, like something from West Africa. As she beckons us, we enter the vault, lit by countless Fae torches burning brightly all over the walls.
It’s like a Fae city in the underground, as she admits us into a vast space not unlike the incredible cathedrals above. This is below ground, however, as the Sages allow us into what I understand is their domain. The Basilica belongs to the Master of the City, but the Sages live here.
Ruling the deepest center of the Hidden City of Venice with their ancient, clandestine ways.
As Quinn, Ariana, and I are escorted into an underground rotunda with so many Fae lights cascading up the pillars and into the high domes it looks like a night full of stars and fireflies, I’m amazed by the beauty of this space. But power also lives here; I can feel it in every tremor that runs through my bones now, urging me to have caution.
Not only that, but annihilation lives here, as well. I sense it in every calm face that rings us, the Sages already sitting in modest stone thrones all around.
“Welcome to the Rotunda of the Sages,” Gideon says now as he escorts the three of us to the center of the space. All around, the Dark Fae Sages watch us, not hiding their visages anymore or wearing mysterious couture, but dressed in whatever simple clothing suits them best. Just like we saw with their ethnicities earlier, the Sages wear every style of clothing from around the globe. It’s clear they don’t just hail from Venice.
But have gathered here to be a force of the ages for their people.
“Your trials shall begin shortly. Please, sit.” Gideon motions us to a massive circular chaise now in the center of the space. It’s basically a big, round bed, tufted with sleek white silk, and we take a seat on it as instructed. It puts Quinn, Ariana, and me in an awkward position, however, as we face out from each other towards the circle of Sages all around us.
Waiting, for whatever is going to happen.
“Welcome to your Trials of Inner Truth,” Gideon says as he stands before us. His expression is neither glad nor somber, but almost perfectly calm now as he addresses us. “In a moment, we shall ask you to raise your trio’s power—then those bonds will be stripped away, along with your magic and all your outward senses, to leave you in a place of darkness. Fear not; upon successful completion of your Trial, each of you shall have your senses returned, and your magic, and your bonds to each other and all those you care for. As long as your Trial lasts, however, you shall be in darkness, deep within. To see what is there, until you find the truth.”
“Is it painful?” Ariana asks, as Quinn and I both set our jaws against what’s coming.
“Not physically, no.” Gideon cocks his head as he regards us. “But to feel such bonds as yours—and such power—be ripped away in an instant by our Sages’ combined might is too much for some. It can thrust a person into madness, or spontaneous death. Make yourselves ready; though our stripping of your power is not painful, it can be agony, all the same.”
“We’re ready,” I say, a blazing sensation burning in my heart. “Let’s do this.”
“A moment.” Gideon holds a hand up, as I see a few Sages in the circle lift their eyebrows as if my readiness shocked them. “Have you any last questions before you descend into darkness?”
“I would like a simple assurance from you, and the Sages,” Quinn says now as he gazes around them, Gideon last, “that our physical bodies and our power you have stripped away will be well protected as we engage this deep inner journey.”
“Fear not,” Gideon says with a kind smile now to Quinn. “Everything shall be well cared-for; this space will be sealed by our power the moment the ceremony begins, and not re-opened until the last of your trio has returned from darkness.”
“And if we do not return?” Ariana asks, as I feel darkness churn inside her, that some, or all of us, might not make it.
“We shall return your bonds and magic to those who do,” Gideon says with a gentle sadness now as his smile softens. “This is not an easy process, Dark Fae. Many do not return from being thrust so deeply within to see what lies there. You fear going Revenant; that fear is warranted. You also fear death; that fear is warranted, as well. If you stay true to your inner Light, however, using it as a compass to guide you in the darkness, it shall reveal to you your deepest Night. Heal the open wound that festers inside you, binding you to the void of Staphylogenes. Only then, shall you return, come the dawn. Victorious over yourselves—and over the creature that binds you. Are you ready?”
As Quinn, Ariana, and I all glance at each other, we understand it is time. Tonight, we do or die, as we try to liberate ourselves from the Gold Eyes. As we grip each other’s hands in a trio, we exchange brief kisses on the lips, and come to readiness.
“Lay down upon the chaise.” Gideon nods for us to recline. “It will be safer for your bodies when your power and senses leave you.”