Page 25 of Dark Fae's Destiny
As we settle at the long ebony staff table, Curio serves a few trays of Florence Hotel chocolates and delicacies, while Devi pours both wine and a special blood cordial we make. Everyone takes a seat, the Council members strangely allowing me to take my usual spot at the head of the long table.
Even Mistress Iliescu only sneering at me a little, as she settles and preens her long, ultra-red nails through her honey-blond hair.
“To what do I owe this impromptu visit from the Council?” I ask now as I open the meeting, knowing from their demeanor these three are not here to engage in a takeover right now.
Though Mistress Iliescu might try it on some dark night when I’m not being vigilant.
“Do you even need to ask?” Elena Iliescu laughs as she gestures around idly. “You’ve been a busy Vampire, Quinn. Or should I say… a busy Dark Fae? Hmmm?”
Everything goes cold inside me, as I recognize my secret’s out. The Council knows what I am; I bristle for war now, even as I sit before them, betraying nothing of my shock.
These are ancient Masters, however, though Elena Iliescu likes to be in vogue. They feel my change in energy like a dark wind, whispering all around them.
And Master Djalu lifts a hand—quieting me.
“Peace, child of fire and Light.” Master Djalu regards me with those ancient, knowing eyes. “We are not here to expose you to the Vampire Council of Rome. Only to help you… when the time is right.”
“Help me?” I blink then, unable to cease my heart as it gives a sudden beat in my chest, then another.
“Oh, don’t look so shocked, Quinn.” Mistress Iliescu waves a hand as she lounges in her chair, rolling her eyes as if she’s bored. “You’re a Dark Fae, we’re all Dark Fae. We’ve been sitting on the Vampire Council of Rome for eons, and now the time has come for us to rise up and change things.”
Astonishment floods me as Mistress Iliescu admits to being Dark Fae. As the other two nod, I suddenly see their visit in a whole new light. These aren’t Council members here to reprimand me for opposing them, or warn me that hell is coming for what is happening at the United Haven of Florence. These are three unlooked-for allies upon the Council itself.
All of them Dark Fae like me—hidden in plain sight.
“Something is happening here, Quindici.” Master Parnassos leans in from his place at the table, regarding me with his dark ebony eyes. “Some resonance of power the Council has not provided for in their plans to annihilate you, and most certainly did not expect. For you are building a vast revolution here, from what one might call the ashes of your former life. Like a phoenix, you and your people rise… and the Dark Fae are watching. To rise with you when the time is right.”
“Every Mentale Dark Fae hidden in Vampire culture is watching this movement,” I say now as I understand what Master Parnassos is telling me. “Especially those hidden right at the very top. Are there more Dark Fae upon the Council?”
“Not upon the Council itself, but there are Vampires who sympathize with us and our plight.” Master Parnassos regards me. “We know who they are, and can court their alliance for you when the time comes. But we cannot be seen to lead this revolution; for though our power is strong, we would be burned alive by the greater Council should all of this come to no success. You must lead this charge, the audacious young Master Vampire with the known Dark Fae on his arm. The rest of us will follow. Doing what we can, along the way.”
“I am the patsy, should all things fail,” I say now, getting it as a hard chuckle escapes me. “I am the fall guy who will get burned by the Council if we are not successful in this revolution among the Fae, Dark Fae, and Vampires.”
“This is the way it has to be, Quinn.” Mistress Iliescu pierces me with her light blue eyes now as an enormous feeling of power rolls off her, fierce. “Take our deal or leave it. And we shall return to Rome… leaving you empty-handed.”
“I don’t even need to think twice about having more friends in high places,” I say now, not about to turn their offer down. “I just want assurances that you three will be where you need to be once this revolution truly gets going. I follow through on my promises and alliances… I will be where I need to be, when the people decide to rise. Will you?”
“Fear is not in our nature, young one.” Master Djalu has the smallest smile now—something I’ve never seen from him before. His chartreuse eyes glitter with blazes of lighting as he regards me. “If it were, would we be where we are now, sitting amongst the most mighty of all Vampires and holding what we are so thoroughly hidden? No. We would be ashes, devoured by our true death, had we lost courage and stumbled in getting where we are. We understand you will not stumble, either. Many upon the council call your actions hubris. I call them brave. As do my comrades here—watching your indomitable spirit rise in a way Vampire society has not seen for ages.”
As I see nods from the other two masters at the table, something fills me. It’s more than a sense of satisfaction at Master Djalu’s words; it’s a feeling that what we’re doing is right, as I give a slow nod back.
Eagerness fills me then, excitement like I haven’t felt in a long while. It’s excitement for a challenge, for an insurmountable obstacle to overcome that I must think my way through, and for battle at the end.
I rise as I know this sudden meeting is finished. There are no pleasantries; they have come to say what they had to say, and I have accepted. If there are details to plan, that will come later. I thank my Council Dark Fae supporters with a low bow to each of them now, glad to my deepest heart they came. They return sober nods as they rise.
Then take their leave, disappearing from the meeting room in three waves of different colored black smoke, rather than take their chauffeured Maseratis back to Rome.
I do not know where the three Council Masters have gone, but it’s not a detail I need to know right now. With a deep inhalation, I give myself a long moment to think.
Then turn to Curio and Devi, standing like warriors beside me.
“Tell the Hotel and United Haven to stand down. An attack from the Council is not imminent. If it were, Masters Djalu, Iliescu, and Parnassos would have warned of it. We have a sliver of time to orchestrate our next move. The Council are unsettled by everything that’s happening here and are taking time to regroup, which means we now have a chance… to take this fight to them.”
“What do you think is going to happen?” Devi’s dark chocolate gaze burns with scarlet, her blade-like power simmering all around me now.
“Truthfully? I do not know.” My gaze follows where my ally Masters went. It’s a tremendous gift, to have even one ally on the current Council, much less three. I know, though we may have our differences, the fact that we’re all Dark Fae creates an unshakable bond between us in our current situation.
Though the future may be as it may.