Page 54 of For What It's Worth
Aidan’s eyes glanced up to mine. The smirk on his lips would be enough to soak my panties if they weren’t already in that state. His hair was pulled up into a bun today that I desperately wanted to undo for no reason than because I could.
“Go ahead, Koda bear,” Aidan said, winking at me like we were in on same inside joke together. “Tell him what he wants to hear so I can have a go with you.”
I was pretty sure if Jen wasn’t currently holding me, he would’ve attacked Aidan for such a claim on me. Either way, he settled for a growl before moving his lips back up to my neck and sucking on a new spot to temporarily mark me as his. It was his retaliation for Aidan’s words while my actual claiming mark was still covered.
With both Aidan and Enzo on board, I managed to push the guilt aside. “Only you, Jen. Please fuck me now.”
I was unceremoniously dropped on top of my nest, the pillows and blankets providing the cushioning for my landing—and destroying my nest—then Jen got to work quickly stripping down. I didn’t wait for any directions, rushing to get my own clothes off. Jen ripped off my key necklace, throwing it off to the side as if he hated looking at it.
Already, I wanted to beg Jen not to tease me. I didn’t know how much more wound up my body could become before I exploded from sexual frustration. But there wasn’t time to plead my case as Jen slammed his cock inside me, not worried about my wetness considering I was literally dripping slick.
The pleasant pressure of finally getting filled had me teetering close to my orgasm. If I could just come, I would let Jen use me to his heart’s content. Or his cock’s content.
There was nothing gentle about the way Jen fucked me. His hips slammed against my widespread legs he held far apart like he was trying to keep me spread open, and hold on, at the same time. I grabbed ahold of whatever my fingers could grasp, trying to stop my body from moving away from Jen’s with every thrust. When that didn’t work, Jen let go of my legs to lean over me, chest to chest. One arm slid under my neck and gripped my hair, holding me in place, as the other ripped off the bandage covering my bite mark.
The pain of the adhesive ripping was dull and immediately cancelled out by Jen’s tongue tracing the outline of his mark. All the while, he never stopped thrusting, the beautiful filling motion sending pleasure to my whole body.
Jen’s lips made their way back up, licking the shell of my ear before whispering, “Look at your other alphas, little bear. Look how they wish it was them thrusting into this tight pussy.”
Unable to do more than obey, I turned my head toward where I knew my other alphas were. Their lower bodies were covered from my vision because of the fluffy pillows surrounding me, but I could perfectly make out both alphas watching me—us—and using their fists to give themselves pleasure.
My entire body tightened, including my pussy, and Jen chuckled, knowing the reason. Despite the nearness of Jen, and the strong scent of arousal pouring from my bonded alpha, I could still make out my other alphas’ arousals. Whether it was their scents soaked into the fabrics from last night, or they were aroused enough to permeate the air of perfume encircling me now, it raised my need to climax.
“Do you like the power you hold over them, Koda?” Jen asked louder than necessary and most likely for the benefit of our audience.
I couldn’t speak, but I whimpered and added a nod.
My admission had Jen picking up speed, his grip turning around so he wasn’t pulling my hair back but holding me down by my neck. The slight tension his fingers supplied had my eyes rolling to the back of my head.
When I glanced back at Aidan, I noticed two dots of silver near the bottom of his shaft, above his balls, that I wished I could get a better look at. Was his piercing for pleasure or simply decorative?
Why did I want to lick it?
I wanted to ask Aidan if I could lick his whole cock, maybe get a better look at the piercing. And there was Enzo. I wanted to run my fingers along his cock, feeling if the extra skin made the movement easier. But Jen’s words before we started were a warning, I was not allowed to touch either alpha, so I bit my lip—hard—hoping to stop the words from spilling out unwillingly.
“Oh no you don’t.” Jen pulled my bottom lip away from my teeth and shoved his thumb in my mouth. “If you need something to do with that naughty mouth, I’ll help. Show me what that tongue can do.”
I did my best to pretend Jen’s thumb was something longer, something more desirable. Still, I did as I was told with immense joy.
Jen still maintained his grip on my neck while I sucked on him, but with every flick of my tongue, every hollowing of my cheeks, he groaned. His body was barely holding back from climaxing, but I knew what he was waiting for: me.
Not coming felt like some sort of cosmic punishment. Over and over Jen pounded into me, but all it did was raise my sexual tension higher and higher. I arched my back so my breasts were pressing against his chest, planted my feet so I could move my hips. Everything I did felt amazing, but nothing pushed me over.
Just as I was starting to worry that I’d never come again, Jen pulled his thumb out of my mouth, sliding that hand down our bodies until he found and expertly pinched my clit.
I screamed through my orgasm.
It was like fire running through my veins—in the best possible way. My muscles clenched, relieved the pinnacle they were searching for was found, before letting all the energy drain out as I finally came back down. And then my newly relaxed muscles had to work, had to stretch to accommodate the large knot forming. The pressure was intense, but not as scary as my first time. I did my best to focus on Jen, on the sound of his groan as he came and his knot expanded, on the look of pure bliss on his face, the soft, beautiful purr vibrating his whole chest and seeping into my body, and the way his head tilted down toward me like he no longer had the energy to hold himself up.
We were both breathing hard, but the multiple exhales and groans remind me we weren’t the only ones that finished. I looked over at Enzo currently on his knees like his orgasm had brought him down. Then I looked at Aidan, leaning against the door, his head upturned toward the ceiling. Both alphas had made themselves come, the evidence on their hand and shirts, their breathing heavy with huge gulps as if trying to suck down oxygen.
Even worn out and tired, I wanted to lick their hands clean of their cum, but I couldn’t get myself to voice my wants. I could blame it on being too exhausted to speak, which was partially true, but it felt like more than that. It was a deep-rooted worry that my request would turn them off. My body craved their cum, but I didn’t have any experience with sex and what was or wasn’t normal. I didn’t even know why I wanted it so badly.
Jen, finally recovering from his orgasm, worked his arms around my body to make turning us over easy. There was only a little tug this time, but it was enough to make me wince slightly. A soft kiss on my lips was an apology from my alpha that was so sweet it made my heart flutter like hummingbird wings.
“You’ve just been thoroughly fucked,” Jenson said. “Your emotions shouldn’t be so turbulent. What’s going on, little bear?”
I didn’t get a chance to answer before Enzo made his way over to me, ignoring the growl from Jen, and offered me his hand. The scent of Enzo, and his cum, was enough to have me grab for his hand, sucking and licking at the available liquid like it was a fucking treat. And it was.