Page 9 of For What It's Worth
An exasperated sigh came from behind me, but Jenson didn’t dispute his packmate. The females made their way away from the desk and when the last one—the brunette who I would bet my morning coffee on had never answered questions in class—walked past me, I hopped off the desk to grab my bag. Newest plan: arrive early for our next class together and then demand answers from this pack. For now, I’d respect the privacy of the pack meeting. Especially since the other females were gone.
“You stay.” Lorenzo blocked my way past him with his body. With his height, my head just reached his pectorals. I wanted to reach out and touch his chest, rake my nails down him to mark him. But I forced my eyes away from the deliciously hidden muscles and looked up. His blue eyes stared right at me, but all I could think about was the distance still between our lips. I could only imagine the strain on his neck if he were to try and kiss me without lifting me up first.
“I don’t want to intrude on your pack meeting.” I took a step back so my nose was no longer only inches from Lorenzo’s scent but bumped into Aidan. Lorenzo’s eyes were calm—if a little wild—to my own panicked ones.
Aidan’s chest pressed against my back, making me feel every rise and fall of his breath. I shifted my weight toward my toes so I wasn’t leaning against Aidan. But his hands came up and wrapped around my hips, holding me to him. His body wasn’t soft. The hard pressure against my ass had my core clenching, becoming slick in anticipation of being filled. Fingers around my hips tightened, my body leaning against the inviting warmth of Aidan, and I couldn’t stop the little moan as my body asked for pleasure without words.
The calming scents of Aidan and Lorenzo had an extra flavor to them that was driving my omega wild. It was more than just knowing the males were turned on. It was knowing that I was the cause for it. My heartbeat was going wild. I was prey caught between these two predators. And frozen. I was not running away like I should have.
Lorenzo took another step forward, pressing against my front. I felt a small amount of slick leaking from my pussy, my body’s signal to itself that I wanted to fuck these alphas, but not even that convinced me to move away. And then the softest purr I’d ever heard started from behind me, pressing into my head, until I couldn’t even hold my head up anymore. I rested completely against Aidan’s body, feeling the strength in his hands and chest, closing my eyes to enjoy the sound.
I was barely coherent enough to hold back my omega’s purr, but I managed it.
The room was so silent, I imagined if I could focus on anything besides reigning in my omega instincts, I would be able to hear a pin drop. As it was, only our collective breathing broke the silence, and it somehow only increased my arousal.
I was nearing the point where I had to admit defeat. I wouldn’t be able to say no to these alphas without a little help. I looked to my left to try and implore Jenson to help me find reason, but he was leaning back in his chair, watching the whole scene between me and his packmates without any hint of wanting to put a stop to it. His tongue came out, licking his bottom lip, and I whined my need for these males.
The sound must have reached Lorenzo because he leaned down, grabbing my jaw and forcing my head in his direction before pressing his lips against mine in a harsh kiss. I knew I should have pushed him away, but I blamed my poor judgement on all the pheromones. I swayed into Lorenzo, my feet fighting for purchase as I reached up on my tip toes, wanting to feel his body completely against mine. His lips parted as his tongue traced against my bottom lip. My head wanted to fall back, to enjoy the moment, but Lorenzo’s grip along my jaw held me steady for him to explore my mouth.
“Wrap your legs around him, sweet girl.”
The words momentarily cut into the purr, but I listened without hesitating. Using my hands, I pulled myself up, climbing Lorenzo like a tree, exploring and learning my way around his body. My ankles didn’t reach around, so I squeezed my thighs together tightly as if they could hold me up. While one pair of hands grabbed my ass and held me tight to Lorenzo’s body, the other got a grip of my hair and pulled my head away from Lorenzo’s.
He growled, obviously angry at losing my kiss, and my omega was about to do the same when a new pair of lips touched my neck and my whole body froze. I was panting more than breathing as I waited to feel if those lips would go where I wanted them.
I felt a kiss, and then another, and then the light sting of a bite that didn’t break the skin but marked temporary approval from an alpha. My fingers grabbed onto Lorenzo’s hair, pulling his head back toward mine for another kiss. This time, it was more than just the meshing of lips. This time, I opened my mouth and let my tongue explore Lorenzo’s mouth, demanding more, and took control of the kiss.
The groan came from both sides, vibrating my body in all its feel-good places, but it was a growl that pulled me out of the moment. I was slow, like my senses needed a moment to come back to me after my brain registered the sound. Pulling my lips away from Lorenzo’s, I released the tight grip I had on him and set myself back down on the floor.
I heard the deep breathing of everyone around me as I stared down at the floor like it would magically provide me with the answers. Maybe starting with what the hell I was doing?
The scent of a perfumed omega was in the air and clinging to Lorenzo where I had ground myself against him. This room would easily turn into an alpha frenzy for Jenson’s next class if it didn’t get aired out in time.
But more importantly, Jenson, Aidan, and Lorenzo knew my secret.
My heart rate was rising again—but not in the pleasurable way. I needed to get out of here. I needed to separate myself from this room and the scent.
“How is this possible?” Jenson asked. Well, he demanded, but since I wasn’t going to tell him, it was a question.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The first rule of lying: deny, deny, deny. I’d been doing it since the day I found out I wasn’t truly a beta, but a broken omega, and I was going to continue to do it until I was done with needing to hide behind my beta status. I was going to graduate and get a job. Even if I decided I wanted to stay home and be a typical omega, I wanted that option. At the Omega Compound, I’d be forced into it.
I grabbed my backpack and shoved past Lorenzo—who I knew only moved aside because he was polite. The man was built like a tree, as I could attest to—since I’d climbed him.
“It smells bad in here.” I said to nobody in particular. “You better light a candle.”
I only made it as far as the door before Jenson said, “I wouldn’t go out there if you’re trying to keep your secret.”
“And why’s that?” I didn’t turn around, but I also couldn’t get my damn legs to walk out the door.
“You smell like an omega.”
“I don’t know what you’re—”
“Talking about.” Aidan finished for me. “Jenson’s right. You smell like an omega.”
“I’ll take a shower in my room,” I said through a clenched jaw.
“And walk across campus? Walk into your dorms?” I didn’t hear him, but I scented Lorenzo closer than before. It was like he was distracting me with words in order to get closer. Of all the males, his accented voice was my favorite. Deep and rumbly, almost as if he was permanently upset, but when he tried to come across as gentle, it made my heart jump. “The betas may not notice but the alphas? They won’t buy that you were merely around an aroused omega. Omegas don’t perfume like you do around betas.”