Page 53 of For All My Effort
“Take Hannah upstairs.”
Zeke didn’t ask questions, just started walking, his arm around my stomach automatically taking me with him.
“No, wait, who is it?” I did my best to claw at the walls and corner to keep Zeke from being able to make any progress.
“Reporter,” Jackson said, making the other alphas stiffen.
“How did they get our address?” Seb asked.
Han shook his head like he understood Seb’s unspoken question. “The OC wouldn’t put an omega in danger like that. Especially one that, for all intents and purposes, is obeying their rules.”
Did that mean Seb thought the person outside was here to ask about me? Would I be able to tell my side of the story?
The excitement and nerves mixed together in my body. I knew I shouldn’t, but I wanted to talk to someone about what had truly happened to me. My mates worried about what speaking out would mean for our pack, but some decisions were bigger than just the five of us. Right?
Or maybe acting as the type of pack that the asshole alphas were trying to destroy was its own act of defiance. Was that enough? To live in secret and keep our voice hidden behind voting and money passing hands?
My internal debate distracted me from trying to stop Zeke as he pulled me up the stairs. To my surprise, and delight, he stopped high enough up that no one would be able to see us, but we could still hear. Didn’t stop him from covering my mouth with his hand and keeping his arm banded tightly around my stomach. It was a compromise I was willing to accept.
Paying attention to the discussion downstairs I heard Seb say, “Let me handle this. I have the best experience with the media.”
“You’ll also be the most recognizable,” Han said. “Jackson should do it. Especially since he’s first alpha.”
I was getting nervous that the person at the door would leave. If the reason they were there was because of me, I wanted to be a part of the conversation.
Finally, Jackson opened the door, greeting whoever was there gruffly.
I was just barely able to hear the person outside, asking Jackson if they heard about some supposed fight between two alpha packs nearby. When he said no, they continued to give him information, claiming it happened just a few houses down, that an omega was involved.
“Do you have an omega?” the reporter asked. “How would you feel about a dominance battle over them? Should they be allowed?”
Jackson didn’t answer, simply shutting the door in the person’s face. A few minutes later, he said, “All clear. Hannah, come on down here.”
Zeke chuckled against my ear before he whispered, “good luck.”
I slowly made my way back down the stairs. Both Han and Seb were trying, and failing, to hide their smirks as Jackson glared at me.
“I didn’t actually open the door,” I reminded him, immediately stating my case.
“Because you know you shouldn’t or because Zeke caught you in time?”
I stuck up my nose. “Does it matter?”
Jackson sighed, opening his arms. My body didn’t even hesitate, running the few steps toward him and jumping into his grasp. “I need to keep you safe, rebel.”
With my legs still around him, I leaned back slightly so I could meet his gaze. “What about the other omegas who need to be safe? If that reporter had been here for me, maybe I could have told my side of the story. Omegas need someone to stand up for them.”
“I agree. But some random reporter was not the best option for that. You have no idea if they would’ve cut your segment, using your words out of context. Or maybe they were simply a test from the OC to see if you’d talk if given the chance.”
“You think they’d do that?”
“I wouldn’t put anything past them right now. They’re a business, first and foremost. And you’re a direct threat to their profits.”
Jackson was right—as usual, I was learning. Some random reporter wasn’t the solution for designation rights. If I wanted to play the political game, I had to do it right, not just whenever the mood hit that I needed to do something.
I kissed him. First his forehead and then dropping little kisses down his nose until I met his mouth. “You’re right.”
Jackson groaned. “Sexiest words you could ever say, rebel.”