Page 8 of For All My Effort
Omegas weren’t allowed to work. They weren’t allowed to go shopping without an escort or attend higher education beyond whatever they learned once they presented. We had no choices. Not even about whether we wanted to live at the OC.
Eve moved all the way around the room since the chairs were all pushed to that side. She tried to make small talk as she opened her notebook, finding a free page without even needing to look since all the used pages had been bent inward.
“I know you’ve been through such a traumatic ordeal,” she started. “The doctor on rotation filled me in and I spoke with the emergency personnel who transported you here. Everyone seems to be in agreement that your injuries aren’t conducive to a simple fall. I was hoping you could shed a light on what happened, from your own perspective.”
“I don’t remember.”
She immediately started writing in her journal. In a weird way, it was amazing to watch her two hands work together, one writing, the other guiding as she continued to stare at me, not even needing to glance down at the paper.
“The doctor said something about memory loss. Apparently, I’ve lost a few years.”
“That must be quite disorienting. How do you feel with your alphas? They’ve all been to visit, yes?”
I nodded. “I don’t remember them, but my instincts do.”
“That’s wonderful to hear. The bond between alphas and their omega is very special. Your instincts are definitely important in your relationship. That being said, you’re currently in a unique situation.”
Without even looking, she folded the top corner of the page she was writing on and started on the next. “With your memory loss, forgetting your mates, I want to make sure you feel comfortable going home with them.”
“I do.”
She nodded as if she expected that answer. “Can I be honest with you, Hannah? It’s a very unusual case for a bonded omega to come to the hospital with such a severe injury.”
No way was that true.
“I can see your disbelief. Illness is one thing. Small home injuries are another. But let me tell you what I see when I look at your file. A bonded omega with several alphas in her pack. She’s out at the mall, either without proper supervision and gets injured, or she was with her pack and one of those members was responsible.”
Words jumble against my tongue. Denials that I don’t know how to word properly because I couldn’t admit what really happened. I didn’t know.
My perfume turned bitter the longer I said nothing.
“I’m not trying to frighten you, Hannah. The truth is, we don’t know what happened. Your mates are being unusually close-lipped about the incident which doesn’t shine them in a good light.”
“If they’d done something, my instincts wouldn’t trust them.”
“Maybe. Without your memories to verify, it’s better to be safe, yes?”
“What does that mean?”
“One suggestion for you is to come back to the OC. We have guest rooms for bonded omegas who need to stay for a number of reasons. There, your pack will essentially court you again, giving you the chance to get to know them in a potentially more comforting and safer environment.”
I snorted, the sound coming out before I thought better of it. “And the other option?”
“You’re technically already mated. So, you’re welcome to return home with the alphas, but I’d like to check in a few times, drop by and ensure you’re safe and happy still. It’s up to you, of course.”
“I’ll stay with my mates.” The idea of having this female visit wasn’t exactly an ideal situation, but if those were my only two options, it was the better one.
“If you’re sure…”
I nodded and she finally glanced down at her book, making whatever final notes about my decision.
“Well, I’m glad you’re okay, Hannah. I’ll be going now, but I’ll check in with you soon.”
The moment she opened the door, Jackson and Sebastian were already there. Since my attention was still on her, I noticed the way she watched my mates warily, as if she expected them to attack me right then.
“I spoke with your doctor,” Seb started, pulling my attention to him. “They think you’ll be able to get out of here in a few days since your scans all came back as good.”
I groaned. “A few days?”