Page 61 of Her Dark Angel
The thought of our lives returning to how they were before we started the show makes me sad. It leaves an unsettled feeling in my stomach. “I wish we lived closer to each other. It would mean we could see each other all the time.”
“Maybe one day,” he says. The skin around his fingernails is red raw like he has been picking at them continuously. It’s his nervous habit I have noticed since meeting him. “And maybe one day when we’re older I can take you out to dinner. How does that sound, Kin?”
I want to tell him it’s the best idea I’ve ever heard and I’m already thinking about what I should wear. But I don’t. Instead, I smile and say, “I would like that a lot. When should we do it?”
Travis lifts his hand to rub his head thoughtfully. “How about when we’re sixteen? As soon as we both turn sixteen, I’ll take you out. We can eat whatever we want and then maybe we can catch a movie afterward.”
I extend my pinkie finger and smile. “Promise?”
Travis chuckles and wraps his pinkie around mine. “I promise.”
“What promises are being made in here?”
Our heads snap to the door of Travis’ dressing room to see Reggie standing there. His dark eyes flick between us questioningly. He walks into the room with a clipboard under his right arm and a baseball cap slung low on his head. As Reggie stands beside us, I feel Travis’s eyes on me, but I don’t look at him.
“Nothing important,” I tell Reggie. I’m only lying because I want to keep the promise between me and Travis, otherwise the pinkie promise would be broken.
“Yeah, it was just a silly promise,” Travis adds with a small smile.
Reggie nods with a tight expression. I can tell he doesn’t believe us, but he doesn’t question us further about it. “Well, I’m here because I want to talk to you both before we get back to work.”
I glance at Travis briefly as curiosity piques within me. His curiosity is reflected in his eyes, more intense than my own.
Reggie squats in front of us, his eyes flicking between the two of us before they settle on me. “I’m having a party at my house tomorrow night with some friends of mine. They’re in the industry too. And I would like to invite you both to attend. Everyone involved in the production of the show and other cast members will be present too.” He smiles, and I can’t tear my eyes from his slightly yellow teeth.
A party with the production crew? I haven’t gotten the chance to spend time with the whole team in a non-working environment. Besides, it’ll be my first adult party, which could be a lot of fun.
“Do our parents know?” Travis asks.
Reggie nods. “Yes, I’ve already spoken with them and they have given permission for you to attend so long as you would like to go.”
A smile splits across my face. “Really? Then I’m in. It sounds like a lot of fun.”
Travis gazes at me, his green eyes flicking between mine for a moment before he blinks rapidly and smiles, having come to a conclusion. “I’m in too.”
Reggie claps his hands together and stands. “Wonderful! I’ll give your parents the details for the party tonight when they come to collect you. Make sure you’re dressed smart, okay? I want you to look nice for everyone.” He pats Travis and I on the shoulder affectionately, his hand lingering for a moment before turning on his heels. “I want to see you both back on set in five.”
As soon as he leaves the room, Travis and I lock eyes from across the couch. He smiles first and is up on his feet, peering down at me. “An adult party? This is so exciting!”
“I wonder how many more parties we’ll get to attend after this one.” I jump to my feet in front of him, my heart racing with giddiness. “I have no idea what to wear. Reggie wants us to look nice, so I need to make sure I wear my best dress. I’m sure my mom can help with that though.”
“Once Reggie and his friends see how cool and fun we are, we’ll certainly get invited to more adult parties. And don’t worry, Kin, you’ll look great no matter what.” Travis’s eyes trail down his body to his feet. “I think I know what I’m going to wear, but I’ll have to make sure my mom irons my clothes. I don’t want to attend my first adult party with creases in my pants.”
I squeal in excitement and bounce on the balls of my feet. “This is so cool, Trav. I can’t believe this is happening.”
“Me neither,” he giggles, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “We’re going to have the best night, Kin. I just know it.”
Being Nash Beck’s girlfriend—well, fake girlfriend—means I have to attend public events with him. Which includes the one-night-only show Dark Angel is playing tonight at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. It was only a week ago that Nash expressed his concern about the show and not being able to sell out every seat in the venue. Which, to me, is an understandable concern to have. Any normal person would be concerned about that.
However, I don’t know what he was worried about because there isn’t a single empty seat in this stadium. Ninety thousand, to be exact. The number doesn’t include the floor of the stadium that is packed front to back, and side to side with bodies. I can barely see the ground because of the number of people in the mosh pit. It’s hard to comprehend the size of the stadium, but from where I’m standing, it looks like the rows of seats could touch the fucking sky.
I exhale slowly from my spot on the side of the stage, hidden behind a large black curtain. Despite the May air increasing in warmth, a chill races down my spine. “Holy fuck.”