Page 76 of Her Dark Angel
Nash’s large hand squeezes my thigh, forcing me to meet his mismatched eyes. He raises a brow at me. “Seriously? You want to play a game like that with those idiots?”
I shrug, fighting back a smile. “Why not? You worried I’m going to learn details about you that I’m not supposed to know?”
“I’m more worried about what you’ll learn about them, little devil. Not me.”
I swallow hard. Truth is, I want to play this game because it’s a way for me to learn more about Nash without having to pry the details out of him myself.
Growing up, I never went to high school parties, so playing games like these is something I didn’t get the chance to experience. Although playing such a game with rockstars whom I don’t know very well may not be the best idea, my tipsy brain is telling me to do it anyway.
I turn to the group and smile. “Who should start first?”
Hudson’s hand shoots in the air as excitement crosses his features. “I’ll go.” He rubs his chin playfully as if he hasn’t already decided on the first never question, because we all know he has. Iris shoves his shoulder lightly, making him laugh. “Okay. Never have I ever… been blindfolded by a partner.”
Luca and Iris take a sip of their drinks. Now that I think about it, if these questions are going down the more sexually charged nature, these men are going to have a really hard time coming up with something they haven’t done before.
“Okay, my turn,” Axel says with a grin. “Never have I ever… used a sex toy before.”
A few bottles touch lips, but the one that surprises me the most is Nash. His eyes meet mine as he sips on the liquid in his cup before lowering it to his thigh. I raise a questioning brow at him, but he simply shrugs and turns to Luca as he starts his turn.
I’m going to learn a lot more intimate details about my fake boyfriend, and I don’t know how to feel about it. I know he’s an adventurous man given his lifestyle, so I’m not surprised he’s done some wild things in the bedroom. What shocks me the most is how my heart races at the image in my head of him using such toys on other women and how a pang of jealousy sparks in my chest.
What the hell is wrong with me?
Soon enough, it’s my turn. I’ve been dreading this moment despite wanting to play the game. I should’ve been thinking about something to say, and instead, all I could think about was Nash and his responses to the questions.
I swallow hard, feeling the weight of multiple pairs of eyes watching me. “Um… never have I ever… had a one-night stand.”
Of course everyone playing this goddamn game drinks. Sharing these details about myself is a reminder of the differences between me and them. They’re rockstars who have different women in their beds every night.
I’m nowhere near as experienced as the Dark Angel members and it shows.
I feel Nash’s eyes burning holes in the back of my head as everyone’s attention turns to Iris to start the next round. I want to know what he’s thinking, but I can’t allow myself that grace. It’s none of my business anyway, so I need to focus on the game and not the man whose lap I’m perched on.
“Okay.” Iris taps her chin, deep in thought. Her face lights up when the answer comes to her. “Never have I ever had a threesome.”
“That’s not fair,” Hudson whines before sipping on his beer.
Iris shrugs with an innocent smirk on her plump lips. “Sorry, Huddy.”
Nash clears his throat before chugging the remainder of his drink. Lucas and Axel drink too.
Of course I’m the only one who doesn’t take a sip. Goddamn.
“Okay, never have I ever been in love before,” Axel says,.
No one drinks. Not even me. I can confidently say I’ve never been in love before, not even with the one boyfriend I had. I’m not even sure I would know what it feels like to love another human being if it smacked me in the face.
“Little devil,” Nash drawls in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. “You’ve never been in love? Woah, that’s shocking.”
“I thought a woman like you would have been in love multiple times.”
I glance at him from over my shoulder with a raised brow. “And what kind of woman am I, Nash? Hm?”
His lips turn up into a smirk as his eyes shine with mischief. “A woman capable of breaking a man’s heart.”
“Okay,” Hudson says, drawing my attention away from the fire burning in Nash’s eyes. “Never have I ever… had sex in public.”