Page 97 of Her Dark Angel
My body is screaming at me to stop fighting whatever wall I’m trying to put up between us and allow myself this one moment of happiness. It seems we both need this. We both need each other.
Who am I to deprive ourselves of that?
I run my fingertips across his cheek slowly and nod. “Okay, I’ll stay the night.”
The intensity from earlier returns to Nash’s eyes as a grin lights up his face. His large hands snake down to my thighs, his cock thickening inside of me once more as he palms the skin gently. “Just so you know, little devil, I have never willingly asked a woman to spend the night in my bed. Not once. I want you to be the first and the last.”
I barely have a chance to respond before Nash lifts me by my waist and slams me down on his hard cock, forcing a cry from my throat. He greedily swallows the sound by pressing his lips against mine.
As I’m swept up in a wave of pleasure, his words play on my mind like a record on repeat.
I want you to be the first and last.
Somewhere deep in the depths of my soul, I’m starting to believe I want that too.
I’m not the kind of man who lies awake for hours watching a woman sleep because I’m enraptured by the way the morning sunlight dances across her smooth skin and the way her loose blonde hair tickles the inside of her nostrils every so often, making her nose scrunch in annoyance as if that’ll stop it from happening again.
I’m certainly not the type of man who has to stop myself from running my knuckles along a woman’s cheek because I can’t get enough of her soft, supple skin, and smile like a goddamn idiot at the soft snores she makes with each breath. I certainly don’t spend far too long counting every freckle on her face, committing the number to memory.
Fifty-two. That’s how many covers the bridge of her nose and across her cheekbones.
What the fuck has Kinsley May done to me because I’m that fucking man now.
I swallow hard, my eyes dancing across the little devil’s delicate face as the sun rises higher in the sky. I should’ve closed the curtains hours ago to allow her to sleep longer without the sun getting in her eyes, but she looks too damn beautiful at this moment that I’m willing to chance the risk of her waking up annoyed.
Kinsley stirs quietly in her sleep and all I can do is watch as she rolls to her left side, facing me, and blinks slowly. It takes her a minute to get her bearings, her soft blue eyes squinting as she fights against the sleep threatening to consume her once more, before she finally looks at me. She stares at me for a moment, blinking slowly.
I’m not ashamed to admit I could get lost in those blue pools forever, not caring if I were to drown. I would gladly welcome it.
“How long have you been watching me for?” Kin asks quietly, her voice thick with sleep.
“Not long enough.” And that’s the goddamn truth. I could have watched her sleep for many more hours if given the chance. “I couldn’t sleep because you snore so loudly.”
Kinsley snorts and chuckles, her shoulders shaking softly with the movement. “You’re such a liar. If anything, your snoring kept me awake.”
Now I know she’s lying, because I didn’t sleep a wink last night. “Yeah, whatever you say.”
A loud ringtone cuts the conversation short. Kinsley shoots up into a seated position and reaches over to grab her phone off the nightstand. The black sheet covering her body pools around her waist, offering a wonderful view of her perky tits covered in bruises from my mouth. I grin at the sight.
“Hello?” she answers, pressing the device against her ear. “Hey, Adam. Is everything okay?”
I watch Kinsley as she nods along with whatever her manager is saying. She absentmindedly twirls a lock of hair around her finger—a nervous habit, I’m sure.
Somehow, I manage to tear my eyes away from her face to get out of bed. I feel her eyes on my naked body as I walk across the room to the closet beside the bathroom. Her intake of breath makes me chuckle.
I throw on a pair of ripped black jeans and a plain-back T-shirt, not bothered to dress up for the day. When I enter the room, Kinsley hangs up the call with Adam, her eyes on me.
“What did he want?” I grab my thick silver rings from the nightstand and slip them on, waiting for a response.
Kinsley clears her throat and pulls the sheet up to cover her chest. “Well, he wants us to come in for a meeting.”
“Why?” I question with a frown. “It’s Saturday morning.”
“To discuss the scandal situation and how to get the deal back on track. He said your manager will be present too.”