Page 32 of Scarred Hearts
He leapt up from his chair; it rolled backward, hitting Nico and Luke. Her men drew their guns, pointing them at all of us. She cackled loudly.
“Don’t disrespect me in my office!” Ian shouted.
“Mr. Knight,” she sneered, bowing her head at Luke, “your friend have stole my property. I agree at first, but now his brother betray me.” She lifted a hand, speaking in Russian, and her men lowered their weapons.
“No one’s betrayed you,” Ian retorted, sitting back down, “and I certainly didn’t steal anything that belongs to you.”
Ekaterina perched a hand on her hip, the fabric of her long, tight red dress clinging to every perfect curve of her body. “Okay, okay. We leave alone. But one request since we travel so far.”
He shifted forward, steepling his hands together in front of him. “Anything.” He didn’t mean it. What he truly meant was anything to get that bitch to leave. He knew he’d be in true control if he allowed her to think she was.
“We join you and friends tonight for drink and dancers,” she grinned deviously at me, “and Giovanna dance in private Luxe with Ivan.”
“Who the fuck is Ivan?” I blurted before I could control my mouth.
Ian shot me a warning look, but I was too angry to care anymore. This woman was pushing all the wrong buttons, and I was about to snap.
She tapped her bright red fingernail against her matching bottom lip, maintaining that same sinister smile. “My older brother. She his favorite.” Her English seemed to be getting worse, almost as if she were nervous. “Had her so many times when visit club.”
“I don’t fucking think so!” I spat out, my temper flaring. “He’s not touching her. She doesn’t work for you anymore! She’s not your?—”
“Tyler!” Ian barked, cutting me off and waving a hand in my direction. “Luke, get him the hell out of here.”
Luke marched toward me, grabbing my tense bicep in a firm grip. I jerked away, pointing an accusing finger at Ekaterina. “I don’t care who your family is. You will not?—”
Luke clamped his other hand over my mouth, muffling my words. “Shut the fuck up,” he muttered in my ear before removing his hand and shoving me to the door. He slammed it shut behind us, then turned to face me, poking a finger into my chest. “You’re going to get us all killed if you don’t shut your fucking mouth.”
Jade rushed over and came to a sudden halt between us. Her eyes darted back and forth, confusion etched on her face. “What the hell is going on in there?” she whisper-yelled.
“I’m not letting that bastard touch her,” I hissed, not wanting to disturb the kids playing nearby.
“Hurt who?” Jade huffed, clearly frustrated with our cryptic conversation. “Will one of you tell me what’s happening?”
“Follow me,” Luke said, taking Jade’s hand in his, leading us toward his office. He closed the door behind us and paced around the room in frustration before finally coming to a stop in front of his desk. He leaned against the edge, his expression grave. “Ty just got really pissy with Ekaterina about protecting Gia, and he’s going to get us killed.”
Jade’s eyes widened, and she turned to look at me. “You’re the nice one.”
It was true. I was known as the more level-headed and compassionate member of our group. But when it came to certain things, like anyone messing with my kids or Giovanna, I couldn’t control my temper. “Since when have we been afraid of anyone?” I retorted, crossing my arms over my chest.
“With the Russians, it’s different, and we’re not scared,” he replied. “They just don’t follow the same rules as the Irish or Italians.”
I scoffed. “The Mussolini’s didn’t follow rules either. Not even their own.”
“Exactly,” he countered. “And believe me when I tell you, the Russians will make them look like a walk in the park.”
Jade twisted to face me, her expression concerned. “Since when do you get protective about Gia?”
Luke summoned her attention with a sharp look and shook his head. “Focus on what’s important right now.”
Stifling a smile, she nodded once, her eyes flickering between Luke and myself. “Yes, sir.”
Normally, I would have found their new dynamic at the club amusing. Every day she showed up in a collar, and I’d walk into the office to find them in compromising positions. But now, all my attention was focused on the mess unfolding in Ian’s office.
“Ty,” Luke continued, his tone serious. “You’ve been through some shit with us, clearly. But after Declan told me what I know, this isn’t a battle you want to be a part of if you can help it.”
“I AM a part of it!” I snapped before taking a step forward, trying to keep my voice under control.
“Nooo,” he replied calmly. “You’re a part of the ongoing weird ass war your family has. You have nothing to do with the Russians whatsoever. And believe me, the sooner you accept that and stay out of it, the better off you’ll be.” He lifted his chin at the door. “You’re–”