Page 71 of Scarred Hearts
“Okay.” I peeked around him to see Nadia alone in the opposite corner, gloves off, glaring at me while she drank water and wiped her face with a towel.
“I’ll be back if you girls will be okay alone?” He took a step back, looking between us. “I need to go check on things with the others.”
I dipped my head. “I’ll be fine.” I unfastened my gloves, tossing them on the ring floor.
“Okay.” He pressed his lips to my cheek, then climbed out of the ropes and hopped onto the floor, striding toward the little hallway that led to the offices.
Nadia sauntered over with a second water bottle, handing it to me.
“Thanks,” I mumbled, taking it from her and throwing my head back, squirting some in my mouth.
“I know you hate me, but what’s up your ass today?” she asked, taking a seat on the floor. She brought her legs into her chest and wrapped her arms around them. “I know we don’t know one another too well, really, but even I know when someone’s upset.”
Groaning to myself, I sat facing her, crossing my legs in front of me. “I’m just distracted and don’t want to discuss it with you, of all people.”
“Ya know,” she replied, “I didn’t cheat on your brother.”
“I’m not talking about this.”
“Well, I need to tell you what happened, so you know the truth,” she countered, and I remained silent, determined to ignore her. “Luca and I were so complicated, but we were younger. He was into the whole superstar life, and I wasn’t.”
“I don’t care,” I said, lifting the water bottle to my lips again.
“I know,” she continued, “but I do. I care about your entire family. And I still love Luca, if I’m being honest.”
Pausing, I stared ahead blankly for a moment before turning back to her, asking a question I was sure I’d regret. “If you love him, why’d you hurt him?”
“Have you ever said things to someone you didn’t mean or acted out just because you thought it’d help you get over them?”
“I think everyone has.” I couldn’t argue with that. I was notorious for acting out.
“It was my birthday, and he told me to be ready because he was done with a music video shoot and was flying right to me. He never showed up, so I thought something had happened. The flight was supposed to be three hours, so I cancelled my birthday plans with my friends and waited for him. I was dressed in his favorite outfit and fell asleep on the couch, waiting for him. Seven hours later, after no replies to my texts, I called him ten times until he answered. I was worried sick. It wasn’t like him at all. I heard girls in the background.”
“Shit,” I replied under my breath.
“Yep, he decided to go out with some models after his shoot because they invited him.” She shifted on the floor, propping back on her palms and extending her legs out in front of her, ankles crossed. “He was drunk and told me he got a blow job from one of them, so yeah, I was hurt and said a bunch of shit to hurt him, then dumped him.”
Oh, my God. I’d attacked her for no fucking reason. My loyalty would always be with my family, but that was a low blow from Luca.
“Later, he backpedaled and told me he didn’t get a BJ from anyone after telling me he did. So, I never knew if he was just being an asshole or if he actually cheated.”
“Okay,” I exhaled, “I’m sorry. I did?—”
“Gia,” Ian called out from the room entrance and he and the rest of the guys sauntered up to the ring, his hands in his pockets.
Nadia and I stood at the same time. “What’s going on?” I asked, searching each of their solemn expressions. “Who the fuck died?”
“No one,” Tyler replied.
“You and Luke are flying to New York immediately,” Ian announced.
“Wait,” I gasped, “for what?!”
“Your father’s Underboss and Consigliere have requested your presence,” Luke replied.
“Requested my presence?!” I snorted. “What the fuck is this, a joke?”
“Gia,” Ian muttered, and my expression turned to stone at the tone in his voice, “you need to go.”