Page 89 of Scarred Hearts
“She will fight, but you will not get her tonight. She’s dancing for me.” Though I knew he was bluffing and trying to get them to leave, it was weird for him to call dibs on anyone but my sister. “My club, my rules,” he continued. “Owner’s choice.”
“Very well,” Ivan’s lips twisted into a sinister smirk as he pushed past us toward the door. “But remember, Slut,” he sneered at Giovanna on the way out, “when I have you back, I’m going to shove my dick so far down your throat, you?—”
Jade pushed open the door. “Uh, Mr. Knight, I need to speak with you alone.” Her eyes widened at the sight of Ekaterina wiping blood off her lip once again.
“We look forward to fight.” Her tongue darted out to lick her lips as she sauntered past, excusing herself with a flick of her wrist to her brother.
As soon as they were out of sight, Ian sharply turned his head. “Jade.”
She cast a quick glance behind her, nodding in acknowledgement to Ice Man, who stood waiting to escort them out. Stepping into the room, she closed the door behind her and took several wide strides to the center where we were gathered. Luke reached his hand out and she folded her arms over her stomach, leaning tight into his side.
“What’s going on?” Ian asked.
She shifted her eyes at Giovanna before turning her attention to Ian once again. “I actually needed to see Gia but didn’t want to raise that bitch’s brows into her hairline.”
Giovanna chuckled but quickly wiped the smile off her face.
“There are some guys here to see you,” she continued, “and based on what they said, they’re your Underboss, Consigliere, and two hired bodyguards?”
“Damn it,” Giovanna muttered.
“I already knew about it.” She grinned. “I know everything, remember?”
Giovanna shook her head rapidly. “Not that. I just know it’ll draw attention, and tonight, I just want to be normal and dance. I know shit is going to change for me when I move back to New York, and I just want to be free for now.”
Her words made me tense up. I felt anger and frustration boiling inside me. I wanted to take away her worries about running the family. I didn’t want her to leave. I wanted us to stay together as a family and?—
“What?” I snapped my eyes toward Ian.
“I need to take Gia down to my room or they’re going to know something’s up.” He turned his attention to Luke. “Get them out of the club before they draw attention. The last thing we need is them finding out about her before we’re ready.”
“Before I go dance for you,” Giovanna addressed Ian directly, “can I?—”
The door sprung open, and Ekaterina and Ivan marched in together, their armed guards at their side. They were followed closely by Angelo, Frankie, and several unidentified men. Nico and Ice Man stepped in, weapons at their sides.
“Fuck,” Giovanna groaned under her breath, and I pulled her closer, not caring who saw our fingers entwined any longer.
“Someone is lying!” Ekaterina cackled, but Ivan lifted his hand, and she stopped laughing.
“Giovanna!” He took several steps toward us. “Why are your father’s leaders here?”
She took a deep breath, glancing at Ian and me before she opened her mouth to respond.
“They’re looking after her,” Ian said before she could reply.
Angelo and Frankie’s mouths tightened.
“I don’t think someone’s being truthful here,” Ivan spat. “Seems like someone put the little slut in charge, and we all know that will cause a big, big problem for your family. If we find out you’re the rightful boss, we have no choice but to go to war with the Irish and Italians.” He swept his arm across the room. “We’ll kill everyone in the room and your families!” He twisted back to Giovanna, taking several more steps toward her. “Little cunt, be scared of me because I’m coming for you and all the people you love.”
She opened her mouth, but I pushed her behind me, drawing my pistol from the back holster and aiming it at him. “I’m the fucking boss of the Aggio family now!” I bellowed as everyone else in the room drew their guns. I heard Giovanna gasp audibly behind me. “Get the fuck out of this office because your wrongful accusations are going to cost you. Accusing my fiancée will only cause me to put a bullet in your fucking head right here in my brother-in-law’s office.”
Ekaterina snickered breathlessly in shock.
“I’m not joking, you bitch!”
Ivan twirled a finger in the air, and their men lowered the weapons. I offered a nod to the Italians, and they also lowered theirs simultaneously, but confused. I holstered my pistol again. Ian took a step over, planting himself next to me, his arms crossed high on his chest. Giovanna tapped me on the shoulder, and I reached back, offering her hand a squeeze before letting go.