Page 9 of Scarred Hearts
She pointed back over her shoulder. “She’s puking thanks to Chance, so I’m taking her home.”
“No one forced her to drink that shit,” I shot back.
Stepping forward, she attempted to grab the water bottle and napkins from my hand, but I quickly pulled away. “Damn, okay,” she said with a shrug and a mischievous glint in her eye. “I’ll go get her bag then.”
I offered a curt nod and brushed past her, ignoring her cunning nature as I came to a halt outside the bathroom door.
I rapped my knuckles against the door, giving a warning before pushing it open. The sound of music drifted in from the hallway. I stepped inside, letting the door close behind me.
“Hey,” Amber sighed. “I’ll wait outside.”
“Wait!” Giovanna called out from the stall.
“Gia?” I replied loudly as Amber exited.
“Yeahhh?” she responded weakly.
I held out the bottle toward where I assumed she was sitting. “I brought you some water.”
There was a long pause, filled only by the muffled sounds of the party outside, before she finally spoke up again. “I’m fin—” her words were cut off by a sudden bout of gagging, followed by the sound of vomit splashing into the toilet bowl.
Shuddering, I put my arm over my mouth. I was great with blood. I could watch murders all day long, thanks to my brother-in-law dragging me into his life and discovering who my family was. But throw up? The sound drove me insane. My hand clenched around the door handle, and for a moment, I considered leaving her to deal with it on her own. After all, I didn’t really care enough about her to stick around. But then she spoke again, and I hesitated.
“Thank you,” she sniffled, and I turned around. “I know Chance probably forced you to come in here.” The toilet flushed. I saw her shadow shift under the stall door as she stood up and stepped out, one hand still covering her face in embarrassment. “Don’t look at me, Ty.”
Ignoring her request, I was unable to stop staring as she made her way over to the sink, turning on the water. She leaned over, rinsing out her mouth, then gargling before checking her reflection in the mirror. The door pushed open, and I stepped to the side to let Amber and Kirsten enter with her bag.
“Thank you,” she said, taking it from Kirsten and turning back to the mirror to fix her makeup. Then, she took a swig of mouthwash, trying to get rid of any lingering taste.
Glancing at my watch, I realized how much time had passed. “How’d you girls get here?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.
“T,” Kirsten replied, her wide eyes pleading like those of a helpless puppy. “We’d planned to take an Uber home, but since you’ll be passing by her apartment anyway, could you give her a ride, and I’ll go with Amber, Chance, and Lizzie?”
As I got ready to chastise them both for taking the subway, Giovanna interrupted.
“What?” She spun around abruptly, tucking her mouthwash back into her bag.
Dread flooded through me as I narrowed my eyes at Kirsten and discreetly tucked the bottle of water and napkins into my jacket pocket. Beneath her false expression, I could sense her sneer, and it made my blood boil. But I refused to give her the satisfaction of a reaction. “Sure,” I gritted my teeth, unsure of what the hell she was up to, “but I have to drop Victoria off at her place too.”
Amber looked between Giovanna and me before focusing on her shocked expression. “You’re okay with him giving you a ride home, right?”
“Yeah,” Giovanna exhaled in defeat, though I suspected it was due to her illness rather than me this time. “That’s fine.” Her gaze flickered toward Kirsten. “I’ll let you know when I get home safely… if I do.”
Kirsten snorted dismissively. “I’m sure you’ll be just fine, my dear.” Taking out her phone, she tapped on it for a second, then put it away.
Amber wrapped her arms around me, thanking me in a hushed tone before whispering in a barely audible voice, “Talk her into coming back, please.”
I pulled away from her embrace with a shrug. My phone vibrated in my pocket.
360 Newbury St Unit 810
Have funn ;)
Shaking my head, I slid my phone back in place. Annoyed as we exited the bathroom, I approached the table, wiggling my fingers at Victoria and picking up her jacket off the seat. She stood as I held it up, slipping it on her. Then, she turned to say goodbye to everyone before we started for the door.
“Why’s she coming with us?” she yelled in my ear over the noise.