Page 192 of Crystal Luna
“Hello, Luna.”
“I’m gonna be honest with you. My apprehensiveness isn’t to do with you at all—I don’t care for the dress or this ceremony as a whole.”
“Or our mark,” Asher murmured from the couch.
“I won’t take it personally then.”
Velora nodded and snatched the dress from the table. “Upstairs?”
“We don’t get a sneak peek?” Asher whined.
“No, so don’t even try it.”
“But—” he stammered.
“You can beg all you want,” Isaiah warned, grabbing his jacket and stepping into his boots. “But I’m going to leave so I don’t get pulled into your punishment. Call me when you’re done.”
And with another kiss to Velora’s cheek, he was gone.
“Fuck,” Asher groused. With sunken shoulders and one pleading look back, he followed his brother into the snow.
Velora led Gemma upstairs and while she stripped, Gemma unpacked her basket of sewing notions.
“We can alter it to your liking. Just be honest with what you don’t care for. I’m sure we can find something that will work.”
Though Velora was able to get the gown on, she looked like a sausage trying to burst from its casing. “If Silvia could see me, she’d have the time of her life telling me how much she hates my masculine figure.”
“Let’s be honest,” Gemma deadpanned. “Silvia wouldn’t be able to get this dress over her thighs. I think you look beautiful.”
That’s all it took to break the ice. Velora listened and watched as Gemma worked her magic, suggesting a few changes that would alter the look of the dress completely. Once they found something Velora was comfortable with, she was measured from head to toe and the dress was hidden away in its bag. Velora dressed, then let her mates know it was safe to return.
The door opened just as they made their way down the stairs and the twins appeared, looking around cautiously.
“She looked fabulous,” Gemma teased with a grin, waving goodbye with her free hand. “I’ll reach out when I’m ready for the next fitting.”
“Thank you.”
“It’s my pleasure.”
“You two seemed to have gotten along well,” Isaiah said with a relieved sigh once the door shut behind Gemma.
“Anxious about your ex and your mate being friends, huh?” she asked.
“I’d take that as a win considering the last one nearly lost her head.” Then his full attention was on her. “Now, why don’t you go back upstairs and undress for us?”
“Sounds like my kind of night,” Asher hummed, kicking his boots aside.
Her heart pounded at the simple thought of the two of them in her bed again.
“We all know you want it. So what’s the hesitation, little luna?”
With flushed cheeks, she turned without a word and headed back upstairs. Asher stayed on her heels with Isaiah not too far behind. She paused in the middle of her bedroom floor, unsure of what they would enjoy. While Asher stood behind her, his brother took her face in his hands and lifted her gaze to his.
“You’re so sweet when you’re trying to figure us out. I thought you knew us better by now.”
Velora’s breathing grew shallow as she stepped out of the jeans Asher tugged down her legs. He placed gentle kisses on the back of her thigh before intensifying them and licking each of her ass cheeks.
She couldn’t bear looking at him as her words left her mouth like a confession, “I don’t want to bore you with the same stuff over and over.”