Page 49 of Crystal Luna
“I’m not sure yet. Still trying to wrap my head around it all.”
“The second you said rogues were out there, we ran. You should’ve seen Alpha Heath, he was like a maniac. You did really well.”
“Everyone keeps saying that but why do I feel so crappy?”
“Because you’re kinda chewed up. But you stayed alive until we got to you. And you made those suckers pay for what they tried to do.”
She rested her head against the pillows and closed her eyes, still too scared to see her injuries for herself.
“Oh he was so mad, Velora. Worried, too. We could all see it.”
Heat rushed to her face. What was she supposed to say to that?
They’d had three weekly meetings now and each time, it didn’t go any farther than casual conversation. She had no clue what to do when someone was interested in her.
Rayan speaking again pulled her from her thoughts. “Evelyne is on her way and Alex said he would give you something for the pain before she gets here. He said that will make getting dressed easier.”
“Thank you.”
“I haven’t done anything.”
“You rescued me and now you’re sitting here babysitting me.”
“You would do the same for me.”
“I would.”
The conversation lulled and soon Alex led Evelyne into the room. He gave her something to ease her pain and helped her learn to move in favour of the stitches. Rayan offered to get her home, but Evelyne said that the hospital bathroom would be easier.
And she was right. The bathroom had handles all over and a walk-in shower that Velora had no trouble getting into. She sat on a shower chair while Evelyne helped her rinse the blood from her skin, the entire time apologising for not having washed her better. Velora tried to reassure her, but the words fell on deaf ears.
Once back in bed, Velora cuddled up with her blanket and found a comfortable position to drift off to sleep again.
After spending a night for observation, Rayan helped Velora home. He insisted that she lay down again and made sure she had everything she might need in reach. He stayed with her for a few days, making sure she was truly resting and not pushing herself too far.
A week after the attack, she was on her feet, more than ready to get back to her old routine. With Alex’s permission, she was once again ready to train.
Chapter Sixteen
Three weeks had passed since the rogue attack on Velora. Heath had kept his distance since. He knew that he’d shown too much of his true feelings, but he hadn’t been able to stay away from the attack. The second Marvin told him Velora was the one who spotted rogues, he’d dropped everything.
Today, though, he would finally see her again. It was time for their weekly dinner and Velora insisted she was well enough to continue. Mia and Curtis were thrilled, rushing out of the house to find her the second the clock struck five. Though he desperately wanted to do the same, he busied himself in the kitchen to make sure it was tidy.
Thirty minutes later the door opened, and Velora stepped in with Curtis and Mia by her side. “Sorry I’m late.”
“No need to apologise.”
“She was out for a run and didn’t have a watch on her,” Curtis explained.
“Mia told me we’re making pizza from scratch today,” Velora said excitedly as she stepped next to him.
Heath was tempted—very tempted—to rest his arm around her, for any point of contact between the two of them.
“Maybe Dad can cut the vegetables,” Curtis suggested.
“Ah, I see I won’t be promoted tonight,” he chuckled as he ran his fingers through his son’s hair.