Page 55 of Crystal Luna
“I’ve never felt pushed with you. You’ve been more than kind to me since I got here.”
“Thank you.”
She sighed and stood up, brushing the grass from her clothes. “Rayan is calling for me.”
“How about we walk back together?”
She nodded and they both grabbed their shoes to begin the walk.
“Can I hold your hand?” Heath hadn’t imagined he’d ever feel so much like a teenage boy.
In place of a verbal response, she giggled and took his hand in hers. Butterflies made his stomach flutter as their hands twisted together.
“Do you still have trouble linking with people? Marvin mentioned it, but when you were attacked it seemed like second nature to you.”
“It’s not really the link itself I’m afraid of, rather the part where you hide your feelings. I never really learned that and I’m pretty sure Rayan sees a lot of things that aren’t meant for him.”
“And what may that be? Maybe that’s why he knew you liked me.”
“I’m pretty sure I spilled the beans a few times,” she laughed. “But during the attack, I think I was so focused on the rogues that I didn’t have time for anything else.”
“Like when you’re told not to think about a pink elephant it’s all you can picture.”
“Yes! But I think I’m getting better at it.”
“You just need time. And you have plenty of it.” He helped her over that fallen tree just as he had before. Only this time, he didn’t drop her hand. “How about I take you and the pups to the bookstore tomorrow?”
“You are aware that I suggested the library for a reason, right? I have a feeling your son has quite an expensive taste.”
“He’s a good kid, he deserves to be spoiled a little.” He slowed down as they approached the edge of the village and stopped before anyone could see them. “We’ll do this your way. This is about you and your safety.”
“I thought it was about you too?” Her words sounded like a naughty tease, and he truly enjoyed this side of her.
“It is and all I want is for us to be on the same page.”
“So, if we kept our weekly dinners but turned those into weekly sleepovers, would that be okay?”
“It would give me something to look forward to each week.” Her cheeks tinged a sweet, rose colour that deepened when he reached up to cup her chin in his hand. “It would be at least one night that I could sleep well.”
“Definitely something to look forward to.”
He wanted nothing more than to lean down and kiss her. He brushed his thumb teasingly close to her lips, but did nothing more. Velora, however, had other ideas. She stood on her toes and planted a kiss on his cheek before dropping his hand and turning towards the village.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Heath.”
“I’m looking forward to it, Velora.”
Chapter Seventeen
“C’mon,” Rayan begged, following her into the cabin. “Spill!”
“I guess you could say we’re a… thing.”
Rayan all but squealed and shoved her to the couch. “You sit and start talking while I grab snacks.”
“He invited me to stay once the kids were in bed last night. I panicked, said it was a bad idea and bolted out the door.”