Page 5 of For the Love of Lily
“I have to get the last train,” he said, his leg remained firm against mine. “Can I see you get home safe first?”
I nodded my head as he stood up and held his hand out to me. The loss I felt at the pressure of his leg leaving mine was soon made up for as he took my hand once more, giving it a gentle squeeze. As we split the bill, I sent a message to Cassie.
He’s walking me back before he gets the train. All is good! x
Has he kissed you?! x
Not yet, give me a chance! x
We stepped out into the early spring night and meandered slowly (I had no choice in those heels) back towards the town. The days might’ve gotten warmer over the past week or so, but the evenings were still chilly. Zack wrapped an arm around me.
“That place was amazing, good choice.”
“It was. I knew it was popular, but I hadn’t realised how beautiful it was inside.” I glanced up at him, our eyes meeting as we both smiled. We were only two or three minutes from the train station, and the thought I’d been trying to keep at bay all night was getting stronger. I wanted to kiss this man. Properly. Not a peck on the cheek.
I guided him towards a bright streetlight on the approach to the station. “We never got that selfie you mentioned. Want one now before the train gets here?”
I leaned into Zack, my back against his chest, and held the phone in front of us, enjoying the warmth of him in the cool evening air. “Say cheese.” I couldn’t help but draw in a sharp breath as he placed his hand on my waist with a feather-light touch. This wasn’t how I’d expected to feel.
I snapped the photo and shared it to Zack’s phone, noting how neither of us moved away from the other. Turning around, but staying close to him, our eyes were almost level. He moved his hand, but I could still feel the subtle warmth in the space it left behind. “The train should only be a couple of minutes, so…” I stopped and took a deep breath. “I wondered - is this the kissing bit?”
Zack tilted his head to the side subtly, his intense eyes locked on mine. His hands slid around my back to pull me closer. I was so out of practice and about to panic when all of a sudden - his lips touched mine, and I forgot about everything else.
The kiss sent tiny shards of fire to my brain as signals and feelings that had lain dormant for so long shot off throughout my body. His lips teased mine with light, lingering touches, and I had no control over myself as one hand snaked up into his hair, the other moving around his back as I pressed him to me.
He deepened the kiss in response. The sensation of his breath mingling with mine blocked out the rest of the world, but all too soon, he pulled away.
“Did you hear that?” His voice was soft as he took a breath.
The night air felt cold against my lips now the kiss had ended. “Hear what?” I asked, still reeling from the delicious sensations.
An announcement rang out from the train station – ‘I repeat, due to damage on the line, the last train of the evening has terminated before this station. There will be no more trains through this station tonight.’
We were still wrapped around each other, and I stepped back self-consciously as a handful of people exited from the platform.
“This isn’t part of a plan I engineered or anything, I promise.” Zack looked worried. “I’ll sort a taxi or something.”
“I didn’t think for a minute you were damaging train lines just to try to get into my knickers,” I teased. “Don’t worry, we can figure it out. I fancied coffee at the restaurant, but there wasn’t time. Can you cope with homemade coffee, and we can figure out what to do?”
He wrapped his arms back around me, much to my delight. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel like you have to ask me back.”
“I do just mean coffee,” I confirmed. “But yes, I’m sure. I think if you were an axe murderer, there would’ve been a sign by now. Cassie would’ve figured you out.”
“Lead the way then,” he said with a smile.
We walked the five minutes back to my flat in near silence, still holding hands and sneaking glances at each other.
“Home sweet home,” I announced as we crossed the deserted office car park, heading to the side entrance which led upstairs. After unlocking the bottom door, I started up the steep stairs, realising that I should’ve made him go first since he would now be treated to a close-up view of my bottom.
There was a second door to unlock at the top of the stairs. I felt safe having two big doors between me and the outside world.
Zack’s eyes looked around the large living area in surprise. “Wow, when you said a flat above the office, I didn’t imagine this. It’s lovely, puts mine to shame. You can now never come round,” he joked.
“I’m lucky. They could expand and use this for more office space, but they’re happy as they are. Perks of working for a small business,” I teased. “Tour first or coffee first?”
“Tour, then coffee, then a plan,” he replied.