Page 18 of Lily, Unwritten
“Your normal duties would be shared out between the others, and we’d put you up to the salary of Peter’s executive legal assistant for the time the case takes. As we said, it’s certain to be high profile and could run for a long time. Think about it, and let us know on Monday, if that’s acceptable?”
I nodded. “Of course, thank you for considering me,” I smiled at Margaret. Nobody said a word, and an awkward silence settled; I guessed that was my cue to leave.
Back at my desk two minutes later, I sent a message to Zack.
You aren’t the only one with exciting job news. Hope it’s going well, and you haven’t frozen yet xx
I knew he’d call me as soon as he got back to the hotel, like he had every night, and then again at bedtime. We always spoke just before we fell asleep. I twisted my engagement ring around on my finger again and smiled. I heard an angry sigh as Anna walked by, obviously she wanted to be noticed, that woman thrived on attention. It only made me smile wider, anything to annoy her. She stopped and stepped back towards the desk.
“I hear you might be coming in on this case?” Anna said.
“The new one? Yeah, possibly. Why?”
“I’m working with Peter, I’m experienced in damage limitation. So, if you’re on it too, you’ll need to be on your toes to keep up with both of us.” Her tinkling laugh echoed around reception, bright, breezy and utterly insincere. I knew there was no friendship in her. “How’s Zack?”
“He’s fine, he’s in Iceland at the moment,” I replied.
“Coming for a drink after work then?” Anna asked. This was weird.
“Erm, sure, OK.”
Anna flounced away, her blonde extensions bounced over her shoulders as she went. Maybe she wanted to start afresh if we were going to work together? I wasn’t convinced.
By five thirty, I was squashed into a booth at the bar around the corner from the office with Anna, Amira, and Jake, who were all from corporate law, and one of their secretaries, Ella, who had only started work in the last couple of weeks.
This bar was a regular haunt for the Caddel & Boone employees. It was stylish, modern, and utterly insta-worthy with little booths for perfect selfies and the longest cocktail menu I’d ever seen.
Jake emptied a bottle of prosecco between our glasses and waved to the waiter for a replacement before we’d even had a sip. “Made any wedding plans yet, Lily?” he asked. Jake had worked in corporate law with Zack for the last couple of years and seemed to be a nice guy. I knew they’d hung out now and then outside of work.
“No, not had chance yet with Zack’s new job. He’s away until Saturday, and we’re house hunting. It’s all happening at once.” I explained.
Anna snorted with a laugh as she put her glass down. “We all know he loves Iceland.”
Be the bigger person, Lily. I didn’t even let my eyes flick her way as I sipped at my drink, the cold bubbles delicious as I drank. I spotted Jake grimace at her comment.
“There’s a distinct lack of male company in the department at the moment,” Jake winked towards my direction. “Hopefully, Zack’s replacement will be starting soon. Especially if Anna’s going off on this other case.”
“You know who it is, don’t you?” Anna asked. Her eyes lit up at the fact she had something to gossip about.
I shook my head and waited for her to continue.
She glanced around and leaned in across the table. “Kye Maloney.”
“I don’t think we should talk about it here.” I felt uncomfortable as the next bottle of prosecco was placed on the table, and Jake began to top glasses up that didn’t need it.
Anna sighed again. “You are so boring. What does he see in you? He used to be the life and soul until he met you.”
“Who are we talking about?” Ella asked. A look of confusion passed over her face. Amira was glued to her phone and barely listening.
“Lily’s fiancé,” said Anna with a smirk. “He used to be great fun.”
“He still is great fun,” I was pretty pissed off and wondering why I’d accepted this invitation.
“Ohhh Zack?” Ella seemed to catch up with the conversation. “The gorgeous one?”
“Well, he was a lot more fun before,” Anna said with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes as she looked up to the ceiling, reliving a memory. “He was a total womaniser you know? Different girl every week.”
Could I work with this woman on a case? She was driving me to fury already. I had to remind myself it was jealousy on her part – I had what she wanted, and Zack had rejected Anna a long time before he met me. “That was just because he hadn’t found me, Anna,” I smiled sweetly as I spoke.