Page 25 of Lily, Unwritten
She wiped her mouth and threw the cloth napkin onto her plate. “They made him a partner. There was a huge debate about the name because it should, technically, be Hughes & Adamson, but everyone thought Adamson Hughes sounded better. He’s doing really well, and that’s all you’re getting from me.”
I raised a hand and gestured to my glass as the waiter spotted me. I needed another wine, a big one.
“Lily, how long are you going to do this for?” Cassie asked. “You’re getting married, you’re buying a house, you’re both doing brilliantly in your careers. You and Zack have a life that people would kill for.”
“I can just be asking after an old friend, you know?”
“But I can see in your eyes that you’re not.”
“Six months isn’t long, Cassie, I’m getting there.”
“Are you having doubts?” she asked.
I shook my head slowly. “I still feel like I’d be too scared to be with Luke. He was right, this is the best way.”
“Let’s talk about wedding dresses then!” she said, with a smile as wide as they come. “You’re going to be stunning.”
“I need to tell you something first…” My voice wasn’t far above a whisper.
She narrowed her eyes, almost imperceptibly, as she waited for me to continue.
“You know this big case I’m on… Well… The other side is Adamson Hughes.”
Her mouth opened in shock. “And Zack’s alright with that?”
“I haven’t told him. I only found out today, and I’d already agreed to work on it.” I grabbed my second wine from the waiter before he could even place it down on the table. “It’s not like I’ll have anything to do with Luke. He might not even know I’m working on it, there are loads of secretaries at our place.”
“You have to tell Zack.” Cassie had her stern face on. “If he finds out another way, what’s he going to think?”
“He’s so busy with his job, and when we’re home, it’s all houses and weddings. Don’t worry about it, OK? I’ll sort it.” She tilted her head to the side and chewed on her lip. Her silence made me nervous, so I kept talking. “You’re definitely on for this birthday trip? I’m going to book it next week.”
She nodded; her smile back in place. “Just me and the kids. Guy won’t be able to get away from work. It’s going to be amazeballs.”
“I know! Just remember it’s a secret. You get all giddy and flirty around Zack.” I said.
“Frankly, I don’t know how you don’t get all giddy and flirty around him, not like you used to anyway.”
“Cassie, stop worrying. Everything’s fine. Nothing’s going to go wrong,” I said, wishing I truly believed my own words.
By the time I got home, I was too tired to discuss the case with Zack. It was late, and we both had early starts.
Zack was hyped up with the excitement of his new job, and I didn’t want to bring bad news into the house. Well, I didn’t fully class it as bad news, but… it was certainly going to raise some interesting conversations.
As Anna had asked, I made sure I was in work and ready for the day, prior to eight thirty, but I found myself alone in the boardroom. Had she got me in early just to be mean?
I threw myself into a seat in frustration - why was Anna such a bitch? Was this really still because of Zack? Between the tension at home and her non-stop whining, I could do with a break.
I pulled my hair up into a messy bun. It annoyed me at times, flopping around my face when I already felt angsty. Thank god I’d stopped for a Starbucks… At least that was one place that never let me down.
I’d grabbed a copy of The Metro while I was there. With the hours I’d put in lately, I deserved ten minutes to read and caffeinate. Especially as I’d got to work early for absolutely no reason. I inhaled the smell of the caramel macchiato as I lifted the lid. Was this better than sex? It was the closest I was getting for now, anyway. Actually, to be fair, of all the things I had to complain about, that wasn’t one of them.
The first couple of pages of news were just depressing; I needed happy. I remembered an easier life at Draper & Hughes, when we’d pore over the rush-hour crush page every day. None of us ever featured in it, that we knew of, but it was just so damned cute. I flipped straight to the page.
‘To the girl on the early train to Lancaster, carriage B. We were the only ones in the carriage. I was desperate to say hi, but I missed my chance. I’d love another.’
‘I see you every morning, in that red woollen coat. Would you sit with me on the train?’