Page 28 of Lily, Unwritten
I could see Cassie nodding off as I began to tell her the tale. She’d confessed to me weeks ago that she wasn’t sleeping well. A long day with the girls plus a drive over here had obviously been too much. This was her opportunity for a night of peaceful rest, without Guy or the kids. “Come on, Mrs,” I said as I pulled her up from the couch. “Off to bed, you’re exhausted.”
“But you were telling me about Zack…” she objected.
“And that can wait, you need rest.”
Ten minutes later, after hugs and goodnights, I wandered back downstairs and poured myself another gin. A phone began to ring, but it wasn’t mine. I listened for the noise, which, weirdly, seemed to be coming from inside the couch. As I slipped my hand between the cushions, I felt the smooth, cold surface of a phone and pulled it out, instantly recognising it as Cassie’s.
My heart skipped a beat as I saw the caller ID – Luke Adamson.
A battle raged within my mind, a full-on war that flashed by in an instant, but the fight was won as I swiped to answer and held the phone to my ear.
“Hey, you ok? Sorry I couldn’t make it over last night, work is insane,” Luke’s voice travelled down the phone to me in a perfect melody of sound.
I couldn’t form words. I was frozen, one hand still buried down between the couch cushions.
“Cassie, you there?” Luke sounded confused.
“Erm… Cassie’s asleep. She left her phone,” I whispered, petrified of what his voice was setting off within me.
“Lily…” It wasn’t a question; he knew it was me.
“Hi,” I laughed as I spoke, the sound full of nerves.
“Is Cassie at yours?” Luke questioned.
“Yeah, but she was worn out, I sent her to bed. Then I heard her phone ringing. I should go, I just… It seemed rude not to answer.”
“Please don’t go,” Luke’s voice pleaded.
“We’re not supposed to talk.”
“Just once, it’s good to hear your voice. Is Zack there? I don’t want to cause any trouble.”
“He isn’t here. It’s good to hear your voice, too.” I lay down on the couch; Cassie’s phone pressed against my ear. “How are things?”
I heard him take a deep breath in before he answered. “Not bad, how about you?”
“Yeah, all fine…” The silence felt awkward. I didn’t know what was safe to discuss anymore, but I also didn’t want him to go. “I’m happy you’re a partner now.”
“The timing all worked out well. Everyone still misses you, I mean everyone, Lily.”
I smiled, knowing full well what he meant. “I miss everyone too. I think about them a lot. Caddel & Boone are lovely, but it doesn’t stop me thinking about the old days.”
“I think about those days too. It feels like life will never be that good again.”
“It’s just different…” My voice faded out as I tried not to cry. Luke, emphatic as ever, changed the subject.
“Hey, you know the student union? They got rid of the plastic booths, I was incensed!”
I burst into laughter, remembering so many nights when our skin stuck to the clammy, dirty booths, and we belted out karaoke tunes together. “God, I loved those nights so much.”
The silence hit again, although, internally, my heart sounded like a marching band.
“Are you happy, Lily?” he asked.
“I need to go,” His voice was thick with tension. “Keep looking after yourself.”