Page 61 of Show & Sell
But I don’t care what they say about me stealing Aurora tonight. She’s fucking worth it.
As the evening progresses, we have a wonderful time. Aurora is a born socialite. She’s taking the room by storm and making the rounds, talking to people. She thoughtfully examines the exhibit and makes interesting conversation with the artists about the work.
It’s erotic yes, but it’s also upscale. I’ve been waiting months for the show and now it’s finally here. What’s more is that I have Aurora on my arm tonight.
I never imagined I’d be here, showing my work, and feeling so fucking happy. She’s the light of my life right now—and she’s certainly the light of this room.
I don’t take my eyes off of her for a second. I see men flirting with her, and a jealous rage burns through my veins.
I walk to the crowd and decide to make my presence known. She better know that she’s with me tonight and that she will certainly never go home with another man. These guys are getting a little too friendly for my taste.
“Hey Declan, how are you?” An industry person tries to stop me, but I’m on a mission to make it to Aurora’s side.
“Fine, fine. Talk to you later, okay?”
At last, I get to her, and my possessiveness is tamed just a bit.
I place my hand on the small of her back and say, “Miss me?”
Her relieved expression tells me that she has.
“I’m glad you’re here,” she says.
We walk around the space, and I show her a few paintings I’ve bid on tonight. The erotic pictures illustrate various states of a woman’s arousal. From pussy to tits, the artist captures her excitement. They’ll make an excellent addition to my office.
I live for beauty—and sex. Some would think it’s smut. And it is.
That’s why I want them. I find sex to be as normal as breathing.
“What do you think about this one?” I ask.
The photograph is a woman on her knees with a collar around her neck. You can’t see her face.
I don’t tell Aurora that it’s mine. I took the picture months ago. Now all I can think about is doing this to Aurora while I bury my cock in her ass.
I wait while Aurora takes it in. Her eyes are on the black-and-white photo.
“Well, I like it, ” she says. “But it’s pretty intense.”
I hold her body and whisper down her neck, “I’m intense, baby. You should know that by now.”
“Don’t you see? The woman in this picture holds all the power. Maybe you don’t realize that yet, but one day you might,” I say.
I already know this life is new for Aurora. The night we spent together gave me insight into what she’s capable of and what she has yet to learn.
“So, would you ever pose like that for me?” I ask darkly.
She smiles shyly, and I love the look on her face.
“I would,” she whispers.
“Good,” I pull her into my side and briefly kiss her.
She feeds my ego, and her shyness and sensitivity feed my cock that’s now pressing and straining against my pants.
As we walk through the showing, people are watching. A few ask Aurora if she likes a particular piece. A few go as far to ask why.
That’s when I’m amused. She has the bullshit level of a car salesman. Aurora talks the art up to the potential buyers. I’m confident she’s the reason behind a few of the sales.
She excuses herself for a minute to freshen up, and I swear all the men in the room watch her go. A couple of them approach me.
“The woman, who is she?” one asks.
“Is she one of your pets?” another adds.
Shaking my head, I knew this was coming. Everyone wants a taste of something new.
“She’s spoken for, guys. She’s not up for grabs tonight, or any other night. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” I say, walking off.
I know she’s on the minds of every male here, and she’s the envy of all the females. If Aurora only knew the power she held to sway people, she would conquer the world.
She doesn’t have a fucking clue that she’s extraordinary, beautiful, and intelligent. She’s innocent and pure even still, and I find that endearing.
I meet her by the powder room with a fresh drink. Right away, I notice the fresh gloss to her lips. I want to devour them.
Her perfume is fresh, too. A subtle hint of jasmine...and rose.
I want to kiss her, but that would make the front of the society pages. No need to alert my brothers to Aurora and me any more than I already have.
Besides, after tonight, she’ll be all mine, and my brothers will have realized too late that I won her over.
“I want to show you something,” I say, leading the way.
In front of us is a particular set of photos that I’m anxious for her to see. All nude models grace the photos. They’re all stunning, but their faces glisten with cum…