Page 9 of Show & Sell
He stops at me and just stares for a moment. I give him a brief smile, trying to hide my nerves, and he pulls me out of the line and spins me around.
“This one,” he says. “This is the winning ticket for the night this year.”
“What does that mean?” I ask him.
Two attendants bring over a golden tiara and place it on my head. I touch it and look up as they situate it before returning my focus to the organizer.
“Your bid is going to start higher than the others. We’re going to open you at a million and max at a billion,” he explains. “No one has ever reached the billion, though.”
There’s no doubt in my mind that I’ll make enough to save the company tonight, but there’s no way I’d get a full billion dollars. Having the bid start so high is going to work well in my favor, which is great, because my knees are wobbling so hard from nerves that I feel like Bambi right now.
I zone out as we walk backstage. I’m entirely on auto-pilot. I’m so busy worrying that I’m not paying any attention to what’s going on around me.
Before I know it, I’m pushed from the back and onto the stage. I look out and throw my hands up over my face, trying to block the blinding light.
As my eyes adjust, I realize the music has started and the auctioneer has started the bidding. I move in very simple, hard to fuck-up moves. The bids are coming in left and right.
There’s so much noise in the room. The auctioneer, the paddles swiping through the air, the music…I’m feeling so overwhelmed.
But then I hear a bid of five hundred million dollars. I don’t need to focus on anything but dancing right now. The money is coming in regardless, and I just need to look sexy.
I tune out the auctioneer and the paddles and focus on the music. I find my own groove and start swaying and moving in ways I never thought I could.
No man has ever even seen this much of my body. And now the first image anyone has is me rolling my hips, grinding the air. I feel so empowered, and I just get lost in the music and dance my sexy ass off as the bidding continues.
I’ve never felt this way before. I’ve never wanted everyone’s eyes on me. Hell, even as a kid, I constantly just wanted to be in the background.
But not today. Not right now.
This is easily the best experience of my adult life, and I don’t want it to end.Chapter 6Declan
“Why the fuck am I even here?” I ask myself as I walk into the private building.
I don’t have time for this shit, and everyone in the place is looking for only one thing...pussy. I don’t have time for vanilla. I deserve and expect only the best, and I won’t likely find that here.
A man such as myself has refined taste in women. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll fuck most women who are pretty, but if I’m paying, it better be good.
I stand in the doorway, adjust the lapel of my Versace suit jacket, and scan the room. Most of these people can’t compare to me. They may have access to billions of dollars, but they don’t have my eye for art and design.
I’m surrounded by beautiful women all day, and it takes a lot to impress me.
The people here sure as fuck can’t measure up to me in any way.
Walking around the venue, I hear all manner of gossip about the Grayson brothers. We’re on the tip of everyone’s tongues.
“Did you see Jasper walk in? He’s so hot. I wonder how they’ll do without their father calling all the shots?”
What the fuck?
I don’t need to hear about my how impressive my brother is, and I certainly I don’t appreciate anyone speculating about our success, especially since I’m a billionaire in my own right without my father’s help.
I’ve always had an eye for beauty, and I’ve made the modeling division of Grayson Enterprises explode.
We’re the leading company in the sex industry already, and nothing will change that.
Waving to the advancing waitress, I decide I need a drink...a stiff one.
“Scotch on the rocks. Make it quick,” I tell her.
I need something stout to take my mind off things. The impending war with my brothers over territory is not pretty. We’ve managed to divide my father’s company into three parts, but we still can’t be in the same room together.
It amazes me, the power my family has. And yet my brothers and I can’t get along. Women love us, and men want to be us. The Grayson name speaks volumes in the world of sex and society.
Can you blame them? We’re hot chiseled beasts of men with power and influence.