Page 25 of Hurts So Good
Do I miss it? Sometimes, but one look at Lakelynn, and I know this is where I belong. I won’t risk ever being separated from her again. All I care about is her, and the baby in her belly. Nothing, not even my demons, will change that.
“What did you think about the last house?” she asks. “It’s close to your job and walking distance to the store.”
“You’re not walking anywhere unless I’m with you,” I scoff.
She rolls her eyes, but smiles up at me. “You’re such a worrier. You said it yourself, we’re safe here.”
“I also said we’re not taking any chances.”
“Fine,” she grumbles, but perks up almost immediately. “So, what about the house?”
“If you like it, I like it.”
She hugs my arm and beams up at me. “I do.”
I hum, letting her know we can make a bid on it in the morning. We’ve been living in a one-bedroom apartment for the last year. With a new addition joining our family soon, it was time to get a bigger place. This one has a yard and two bedrooms.
“Ooh!” Lakelynn excitedly points to a street vendor selling maakouda. “I’m starving. Let’s get some!”
I chuckle as she drags me over and orders three. She glances over at me. Reading her thoughts as I’ve learned to do by simply watching her facial expressions these last several years, I nod that it’s okay. I pay for the food and hold two while she happily eats one.
There are days she’ll mention Lena or Kieran, openly wondering how they are. It shows how much she misses them. I wish I could give her that life back, but we’ve done too much damage to ever contact the people from our past or set foot in the States again.
This is our life, and we’re both embracing it the best we can. Lakelynn polishes off the first order in no time and grabs the next out of my hand.
“These are so good!” she says around a mouthful of food. “You’d better eat that before I do.”
I snort and hold out the last one. I knew when she got them, she wasn’t ordering any for me; she does too. She’s just trying to be polite. Pregnancy has Lakelynn eating more than she normally would, but I don’t mind.
I’ll eat later at home, when her juices can coat my lips and tongue until we’re both satisfied.
For now, I’m enjoying the fantasy of filling her mouth with my cock as I watch her stuff her cheeks full of food. I like watching her do anything, just as I always have. And always will.