Page 38 of Hurts So Good
This…was cruel.
Finally, I leaned back against the pole I was cuffed to and tried only to breathe. This loud thu-thump, thu-thump began echoing in my ears.
“Who’s there?”
Thu-thump, thu-thump…the sound kept getting louder and louder until it felt like it was inside my ears. Wanting to scream, I paused.
“Wait. Are those footsteps?”
I strained toward the door, trying not to breathe so I could hear.
Thu-thump, thu-thump.
“Holy hell, I’m hearing my heartbeat. Geez-us, these drugs suck, and I seriously need to get a grip.”
It had been well over forty-eight hours since the drugs wore off. As soon as whatever the hell they gave me left my system, I was able to begin tracking time. Still feeling like complete crap was not helping me think with a clear head, but I was functioning. Unfortunately, the asshat twins finally started to leave the light on all the time after our last trip to the bathroom.
At least I knew my spin kick worked, but I wasn’t so sure Asshat Two’s balls were still operational. I nailed him hard, and my sore jaw from his punch was a stark reminder of my “insolence.”
God forbid a woman have a strong opinion.
Whatever…they could call me insolent and a brat, a baby, and even a stupid bitch all day long. I didn’t give a shit.
The door slammed open, and Asshat One or Two came into the all-cement-covered space. There was a shitty, uncovered mattress in the far right corner and a bathroom on the opposite side with an industrial toilet and a steel pipe for a shower head with a drain hole on the floor.
They were “lovely” accommodations.
“Bathroom?” Asshat Two said.
I shook my head ‘no’ at him. It was like I could feel him roll his eyes under that black face mask he wore. I could now distinguish between the two of them by the tone of their voice modulators. Asshat Two’s was only a tiny bit deeper than Asshat One.
“Let me go, you brute!” a female screeched from outside the space. “Get off of me. I swear or I’ll…”
My eyes widened as a wriggling Ari was dragged into the room.
Asshat One dropped her with a thunk on the floor, pulled out a syringe, and pounced on top of her, pinning her to the ground. He slammed the syringe into her neck, causing her to pass out. Surprisingly, he didn’t let her fall to the ground. Asshat Two grabbed her face before it smacked into the floor, then gently scooped her up and set her on the mattress.
Well, what I just witnessed was the most likely explanation as to how they got the drugs into my system, but liquid Molly or X…I didn’t know if that was possible.
There were deep purple bruises all up and down Ari’s legs and arms. What the fuck had they done to her?
Fingers threaded through my hair, yanking my head back so hard and fast I was surprised my neck only cracked. Glaring up at Asshat Two, he began to chuckle.
Okay…that was a weird response.
But then my arms and hands were being tugged on…no. Wait. They were being untied.
Oh shit…
“Since you’ve been mostly a good girl, you are going to be free to roam the room and help take care of that lump of flesh in the corner. Are we clear?” Asshat Two flicked me in the forehead.
Dick! I swear he loved acting like he was only two years old.
Pulling my now free wrists around, I rubbed at the sores forming on my skin. Turning to watch Asshat Two, he quickly removed the rope from the pole and the cut zip-ties on the floor and walked quickly out of the room with Asshat One following in his wake. The door was slammed shut, but I didn’t hear it lock.