Page 44 of Hurts So Good
Bre Rose
The threat of an impending storm means it’s easier to watch them. The Masked Pricks, that is.
I take a seat on the black bench, just outside Forsyth Hall, waiting for them to show.
No one ever notices me in the shadows. They don’t see me as a threat. But I know everything about them and I want a piece of their high.
They’re so hung up on themselves, they don’t even notice me, watching and listening. Their ignorance will be their own downfall.
Look at the three of them. Cocky ass bastards. They think they’re special just because of their secret club. One that only they are members of. They think no one knows about it, but they’re wrong. I find their naivety funny. What they don’t know is I know every detail about them and their lives. Hell, I know them better than they know themselves.
If they only knew the evil thoughts that hold residence in my mind. How much I crave the taste of blood. How much I long to hear the cries of my victims, knowing it will be music to my ears.
I watch as they linger at the base of the steps of Forsyth Hall. The social science building at Herrinthone Academy. A college made up of the top families of the world and the few lucky scholarship students who get to be in their presence.
Who doesn’t love a school where a student's value is measured by the size of their wallet and their dick, and not by their intellect? My eyes roll so far in the back of my head. The whole bullshit hierarchy makes me gag.
These boys are from the most elite three families. The ones that hold secrets so dark that if anyone were to find out, they would get a one-way ticket to the electric chair. They’ve kept them hidden well, or so they think. I have a gift for uncovering hidden things. Ohh, the thought of that turns me on. I’d love nothing more than to watch as electricity courses through some poor soul's body, taking away their ability to control even their most basic body functions, until they're a limp, smoking mess.
I think of sickening things to calm my arousal. Kittens. Grandmother's cookies. Babies. Yep, instant mood killer.
The tallest one—blond, blue eyes, hair just a little too long; the stereotypical surfer image—looks in my direction, his head thrown back in laughter.
Jensen Thorne. The leader of the trio.
I should be worried he’s gazing in my direction. But I’m not. He doesn’t see me. No one does, not unless I want them to. I’ve mastered the skill of blending in.
The next in line is Halston Thurston II. What a pretentious and arrogant name. He’s a personified football god, and while he likes to play dumb, he’s a math whiz. Jet black hair and eyes so brown they almost look like ink. Just a wink has the horny ass middle aged professors falling at his feet.
All the sluts revere him, begging for just a little attention from him. Each of them hopes she’ll be the lucky one he gets pregnant, ensuring her a future full of all the luxuries.
Lastly, we have Jonas Hilton. At first glance, he doesn’t fit in with the other two. While he has the looks, he's also a genius. With an IQ of two hundred and fifty, he’s smarter than Steven Hawking and Albert Einstein. Two of the most brilliant minds in the world, and they pale in comparison to Jonas.
Picking up my phone, I check my calendar. It’s the ninth of the month. They’ll be picking their prey, gearing up for the game. What they don’t know is I’m going to beat them at their own game. Show them once and for all who they should really fear at this school.
I snap a quick picture, one to add to the wall, then slip my phone into my bookbag and slide the strap over my shoulder.
I give them one final glance before I head across the courtyard to my class. Advanced Calculus—I just so happen to share it with Jonas. Not that he’s noticed. But that’s okay. Soon they’ll all know who I am.
Five more days, counting today. That's all I have to wait. Not much longer.
I’ll take control of this school and seize the future that is rightfully mine.
Monday the 9th
“I’ve got to get to class. See the two of you back at the apartment.” Jonas gives us each a fist bump before leaving. He barely makes it to the end of the building before he’s swarmed by the money chasers—sluts who only want us for wealth and prestige.
We’ve dealt with it since we hit the age to want what’s between a woman’s legs. We all lost our virginity at thirteen. It’s a family tradition for the males in the big families. While the girls are to remain pure until married off in whatever business dealing that suits the family, we get to enjoy all the bounties of sex.