Page 52 of Hurts So Good
“So, umm, I was thinking we could look at the similarities between William Shakespeare's body of works,” she announces.
Huh? Not the path I would take. It seems to be far more work than I would ever place into getting a grade. I already know that I’m getting an A regardless, but her idea feels like it would require us to spend an increased amount of time together. I wonder if she thought about that.
“Shit man, you ain’t smart enough to do that,” Hals jokes as he doubles over, laughing. “Good thing you got a brainiac for a partner.”
“Like you know anything about Shakespeare, either. If you don’t have any intelligent input, get the fuck out of here, dickhead,” I bark at him before turning my attention back to her.
“We can just look at the bullet points first, then divide them up. I can make a plan and we can do the work on our own, then meet up to finalize the final report.” Her voice squeaks as she starts scribbling away in her notebook.
Oh no, Kitty Kat. You’re not getting away that easily. It’s cute that you think that, though. You’re stuck to my side until Friday. Then, well, you’ll be the girl people don’t even wonder about.
“What topics of similarity are you thinking about?” Hals asks, scooting closer to me on the couch so he can lean forward and see what she’s writing.
“Well, I was thinking we could discuss the recurring themes in his plays.” She stops writing to look up, her emerald green eyes shifting between us.
“Interesting. And what would those be?” While I pride myself on being smart, Shakespeare isn’t something I spend my time studying. What really gets me is how much Hals is playing along with this. He’s sucking up to her more than he’s ever done with anyone before.
“Yes, Hilary, since this is our project, why don’t you share that with me?” I cut my eyes at Hals. If he scares her off after I’ve gotten her here, I’m going to murder him.
“Well.” She tucks a few stray wispy curls behind her ear before wringing her hands together. Yes! There’s my skittish, timid, awkward girl.
“We could look at the consistent use of tragic heroes, themes, and troubled romantic relationships between his works.”
“That’s good. I like that.” Fuck, I’m actually impressed. I may even want to do this project solo after she’s gone—especially if we get the majority of the groundwork done before Friday.
“There’s more than that, but I figured three is a good number to look at. If you don’t like it, we can go with something else.”
“I agree, Hilary, three is a magical number. I’ve heard great things happen in three.” Hals gives a wink that has her dropping her eyes to her notebook. Her face and neck, turn a beautiful shade of pink.
Hilary keeps fidgeting with her notebook, only maintaining eye contact briefly. Her breathing is raspy and I love the fear that’s permeating off of her.
I stand up, needing to cut the distance between us so I can move this along. She must trust me, to want me. Her keeping the coffee table between us isn’t going to help.
I move to her side and reach down, scooping her into my arms, and step back over to the couch. She lets out a yelp, trying to pull herself from my grasp.
I plop her down on the cushion between Hals and myself and sit back down. She goes to stand up, but I place my hand on her knee, squeezing it tightly as I prevent her from moving.
“Nope, this is better. I can see what you’re writing, and I like you being close to me,” I whisper into her ear, letting my hot breath dance along her lobe.
“You can say that again. She fits perfectly in this spot.” Hals slips his arm along the back of the couch, as he scoots closer to her. “What do you like on your pizza?”
She shakes her head and we both laugh.
“Aren’t you going to answer him? It’ll make me happy,” I tell her, as I rub my hand along her thigh, her body tensing under my touch.
“Really, I’m good. I can eat in the cafeteria when we’re done.”
“Oh, we’re going to be here for a while. Please tell me you don’t like pineapple on your pizza like this neanderthal beside me.”
“I thought I was just going to be here for like thirty minutes max.” With the way she says it, I’m not sure if she’s asking a question or making a statement.
“No, Hilary, I expect you to be here for hours. We can work, eat, and then get to know each other. I’m sure the guys want to get to know Hilary James, the girl who’s caught our attention.”
Her eyes widen, and she quickly shifts her gaze between us. Hals scoots even closer to her, running his nose along her cheek.
“I really want to get to know you.” I can see the rapid rise and fall of her chest even through the oversized clothing she’s wearing, and I know her heart is racing.
Jensen chooses that moment to come bounding down the steps in nothing more than a towel wrapped around his waist, his chiseled tan body still glistening with water and his hair damp. He has a tattoo of a crown just like Hals and I do on his chest above our heart. My eyes drift over to Hilary and I can’t help but grin. Her mouth is slightly parted as she bites on her lip, her pupils blown wide with lust. Yep, winning her heart is going to be fucking easy.