Page 58 of Hurts So Good
“He’s filling her head with mush. He figured out she’s into astronomy, so he’s setting up an elaborate story of how he wants to gaze at the stars with her as she teaches him about the constellations. Even went as far as saying nonsense about working it into their project, something about star-crossed lovers and shit. Bitches are so fucking gullible.”
I laugh as I sit down on the edge of my bed.
“Speaking of bitches, how did she taste?”
He spins around in the chair, facing me with a shit-eating grin.
“Like heaven man. If we weren’t fucking killing her, I’d want to keep her as a toy. Our very own sex slave. I have a feeling her virgin pussy is top-notch. Better than what the three whores our fathers want us to marry are packing. We could train Hilary to be just what we want. Who knows, maybe she’d be a unicorn and have the same lust for blood as we do.”
I nod in agreement.
“Those bitches will never rule at our side. They are delusional. I wish we could kill them tonight and put our fathers’ plans to bed,” he growls.
I sigh. It’s a brilliant fucking idea. It would take a little maneuvering, but we could make it happen. But just as the idea lightens the dark recesses of my mind, reality kicks in.
“As great as that would be, their disappearance would raise too many questions. Are you prepared for them?”
Hals groans as he slumps in the chair, twisting left and right.
“I’m so sick of our fathers thinking they can run our lives, dictating who we’re with. Why can’t we pick the women we want to fucking tie ourselves to for the rest of our lives? The ditsy bitch brigade isn’t who I want, and I don’t think you do either.”
We both blow out a deep breath, sitting in silence. Hals continues working on our plans, as I fall back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.
Jonas steps into the room a little while later, clearing his throat, and I sit up.
“What’s going on?” He leans against the doorjamb, crossing his arms over his chest.
Hals spins around in the chair. “Finalizing plans. What took you so long?”
“You know, sweet-talking Hilary. By the way, we're a go for Friday. She’s meeting me at the location I gave her at ten-thirty. Told her I had to meet with my dad first, so I needed her to meet me there.”
“And she fell for it?” I’m almost astonished at how eager this girl is to believe us.
“Hook, line, and sinker. Did you ever doubt me? All it takes is a few sweet words and they’re sticking to me like honey. It’s sad really how stupid these women are. I actually kind of liked this one,” he says softly at the end.
As much as I hate to admit it, the nerd’s growing on me, too. I’m glad this will be over soon, so we don’t have to worry about her complicating our lives.
“So, when are we heading to the woods? I’m starving!” Jonas exclaims at the same time his stomach growls.
“Later. You done on the computer, Hals? We can get some pizza or burgers. I’m hungry too, and we still have a lot of shit to do tonight.”
With that, we all head out. The big day is almost here.
Four hours later, we’re at the last spot. The one that’ll end Hilary James’ life. It was a short one, but one that won’t be missed. Not by anyone. I wonder how long it will take for someone to notice she’s gone. By the time they do, her room will be long-cleared. Nothing to show she was even there. Hell, that she even existed for that matter, other than her grades. She’ll be another kid from the wrong side of the tracks who simply couldn’t hack it.
As we’re walking back to Hals’ truck, my phone vibrates in my pocket.
Pulling it out, I answer, not even bothering to check who it is. In hindsight, I should have.
“What the hell are the three of you doing?” my father’s loud voice growls at me.
“We’re finishing the prep for Friday. Like we always do. Why?”
He sighs deeply and I already know it’s because of my blunt words.
“I’ve been fielding calls from your future wives' fathers this evening. What is this about you blowing them off and hanging out with some low-ass bitch?”
“Dad, she’s the final girl. We have to play nice with her to ensure she’s where we want her. Unless, of course, you don’t want us to continue with tradition and celebrate the thirteenth.” I switch it to speaker so the guys listen.