Page 77 of Hurts So Good
Once he had the investigating officer’s name, he reached out to a friend of theirs on the police force to find out what he could. Once he had that information, it was time to do what he did best. What Uncle Sam trained him to do.
Knight went back up to Delaney’s room and let Donovan know what he had found out. It was usually a tossup who was more dangerous, Donovan or him.
“What did the nurse say?” Donovan asked, looking up from their baby sister.
“I contacted Spencer. He looked into the police report. Looks like we are going to have to have a talk with the investigating officer since his report claims that it wasn’t an assault. He stated it was more like a lover’s quarrel.” Knight growled at his brother whose own eyes were going dark.
“Let’s go. Ellis, get Flanagan up here to sit on Delaney. I want a guard on her at all times.” Donovan ordered, bending over and kissing his sister’s forehead before leaving the room with Knight and Ellis on his heels.
All three men were on a warpath. Fuck with one of theirs, they will deal with you in a way that will make you wish you had dealt with it proper the first time.
Avery rolled over in her bed and realized she was alone. She didn’t remember much after that second orgasm. She remembered Knight growling, him using his tongue, his teeth and his fingers to bring her to her second and third, or was it the fourth?
She stretched, feeling oddly refreshed. Damn! Even her self-induced orgasms didn’t make her feel like this. Ok, well her lame ass self-induced orgasms. She didn’t even have a real vibrator. Just a bullet. Yeah, she was a lame ass. How she made it to twenty-seven she’ll never know.
Her phone rang just before she got into the shower. Looking at the caller id she groaned.
“Good morning, mother.”
“Avery, why do you insist on being a lonely old maid? Your sister and I are only trying to help you not be lonely. You should be grateful any man is interested in you.”
“Seriously, mother? The fact that Emily is telling these so-called men that I would give them a blow job or let them fuck me if they treat me to a meal, then you two go on them. I’m done with the bullshit. I’ll take my own chances and make my own dates. Now, I have things to do today. Is there something else you needed?”
“Now you listen here…”
Avery didn’t even let her mother finish her tirade. She hung up the phone and threw it back onto her bed as she went into her bathroom. When she walked into the restroom and got ready for her day after her long hot shower.
She had to admit after last night, she was disappointed that Knight didn’t stay the night, leave a note or at least text her. Maybe her mother was right. She should be grateful one of those losers wanted to stick their dick in her since Knight obviously wasn’t interested in doing so.
She quickly dressed and started to head outside to her car. Once she stepped outside, she literally wanted to cry. The windows on her car were shattered and all four tires were slashed.
Sighing deeply, she called her local police department and requested an officer to come out so that she could file a report for her car insurance. Once she was done with that, she called her car insurance company and advised them of the situation and that she was waiting for the police to show up.
Avery wanted to cry. Her whole day was ruined. What should have been a nice euphoric morning was now ruined. Her mother’s call reminding her why they assumed she was single, Knight’s disappearing act, and now this.
Once she had dealt with everything, she called for an Uber to take her to the local car rental place. Took her a bit, but she was able to rent a car for the rest of the week since it would be a few days before they could get her car fixed.
By the time she got home from running her errands she was fried, mentally and physically. She poured herself a glass of wine, fixed a tray of crackers, diced cheese and small slices of meat, cooked sausages and fruit.
She’d decided she wasn’t going to people today as she had originally planned. Her school was having a picnic event today for the staff to go over their upcoming spring event for the entire school.
She had normally gone to that for the last five years since she’d been a teacher at the school. This will be her first year not doing it. She’d called the principal and explained to her what was going on. She understood and said she would have the notes of what was discussed and then take her input and make her decision after speaking with her on Monday morning.
The rest of her week basically went the same for Avery as always. Only this week she didn’t schedule any dates. She went to work, stopped at the grocery store once or twice, ignored her mother and sister’s phone calls, did laundry and cried herself to sleep at night because Kight didn’t call her. She knew he had her number so that wasn’t the issue.
She was halfway through an entire bottle of wine on a Saturday night when her phone rang. Looking over at the caller id, she couldn’t help but smile when she saw her best friend, Mia’s name.
“Look what the fucking cat drug back in. You back in town, bitch?” Avery answered the phone with a huge smile on her face.
“Thank goodness! That wedding was doomed from the get-go. I give it six months and then the ‘rents are having to realize they shoveled all that money for nothing.” Mia Foster laughed on the phone.
“Eh. I’ll be nice and say a year just for shits and giggles. I mean, she’s not the only one fucking around on him. He’s obviously doing it to her too.”
“Aww, look at my bestie being sweet. What’s new with you. I know I’ve only been gone two weeks, but it felt like forever!”
“Not much. Went on two dates last week, both were total jackasses. People my sister sent to my profile on that fucking dating app they talked me into getting. Apparently, she’s promising these assholes that I would give them a blow job or ride their dick since I’m desperate to get laid.” Avery advised her best friend as she took a sip from her almost empty wine glass.