Page 87 of Hurts So Good
“Oh. Yes. Yes, I was. Sorry. Have a lot going on. Yes, she’s much better. Um, I was wondering, now that she’s better and you’re feeling better, would you like to have dinner after the carnival?” Mark asked, stepping closer with a leering smile on his face.
“Thanks for asking, but no. I’m dating someone. I wish you luck in finding someone though.”
Avery pulled on Mia and walked away. Mark always gave her the heebie jeebies.
Throughout the day, Avery would get a text checking up on her or to see how the carnival was going. She was falling hard and fast for this man.
“Avery, you have some explaining to do, young lady!”
Avery looked over at her mother, horrified at the scene she was causing. Putting her phone down on the table, she hurried over to her mother.
“What are you doing here? This is a school event! What do you want?”
“What did you do to Emily? She came home crying, saying that you embarrassed her in front of the O’Rourke’s when she was speaking to the head man himself! How dare you! You have always been jealous of your sister!” Debbie Jones yelled at Avery.
“I haven’t seen or spoken to Emily, mother. If Emily got embarrassed speaking to Donovan, she did that on her own. Now, you need to leave. This is my job!”
“You had better go and apologize to your sister or I will file a complaint with the school board against you!”
“Go ahead, mother. See what happens when you do!” Avery warned her mother, fed up with her treatment of her.
“You’re just jealous that a man like Donovan O’Rourke would be interested in a woman as beautiful as your sister!” Debbie challenged Avery.
“Let’s get something straight, I don’t give two fucks in a windstorm who or what Emily is interested in. I do know that Donovan would never lower his standards for a whore like Emily! He actually has taste and class. Emily didn’t make a play for Donovan last night. She went after his brother, Knight. He is my man. That’s right mother. An O’Rourke likes me, not Emily. Donovan, whom I met last night, wouldn’t fuck Emily with his worst enemy’s dick, so both of you can take your holier than thou bullshit and shove it!” Avery advised, getting into her mother’s face near the end.
“Why you little bitch!”
Debbie raised her hand to smack Avery. When she swung her hand, she was stopped by another hand grabbing hers.”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you!
Knight, Thomas, Delaney and Donovan pulled into the school parking lot and looked around once they had exited the SUV. The lot was packed with cars and people.
Donovan and Thomas had picked on Knight most of the morning about his ‘scary’ smile that he’d had on his face most of the day. After telling Donovan that Avery was at a spring carnival for her school, the conversation steered from business to that.
When Knight explained why the school was having the event, Donovan had suggested they call Delaney and then the four of them drove to the event. He was glad they had now.
He and Donovan caught most of the conversation. He was so fucking proud of his girl for standing up for herself.
When Avery’s mother raised her hand, he stepped forward. Donovan and Thomas were one step behind him.
Knight grabbed Debbie’s raised hand. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you!”
“Unhand me this instant!” Debbie screamed at Knight.
“I’m not afraid to punch a woman in the face for putting her hands on what belongs to me. Make no mistake, Ms. Jones, Avery is mine! That means, as mine, she is protected by the O’Rourke family.”
Knight’s voice went low and cold, daring Debbie to challenge him. When he stopped into her space, she whimpered low and stepped back until she ran into Donovan, who was almost as deadly as he was. Almost.
“As the head of the O’Rourke family, you cause Avery any stress, ever again, that’s grounds for being dealt with!”
Knight had to fight the smirk that wanted to break out on his face at how cold Donovan’s voice went. The second he had claimed Avery, she became family.
“This school isn’t going to like her association to the mafia once they find out.” Debbie sneered at Donovan.
Knight had to give it to the woman, she had balls. But his were bigger. Knight smiled evilly as he walked over to Debbie and bent down towards her ear.