Page 98 of Hurts So Good
Their da moved from Ireland to the US along with the O’Malley’s when he was the same age. He worked for them, rising in the ranks when the O’Malley’s made their da a leader of his own organization for his loyalty to them.
The O’Malley’s were known from Maine all the way down to Florida and across the continent. They had their fingers in several large cities and ran them with a steel fist. They were one of the most powerful Irish Mafia families in the US. They made the O’Rourke family their second hand which made them the second most powerful Irish Mafia family.
“Sir, this is going to probably to be the hardest conversation we have ever had over the years. Do you remember a woman named Debbie Jones? She was in college there in Boston when you met her.” Knight swallowed around the lump in his throat.
“Aye, I remember that whore of Babylon. Why do you ask me about that woman?”
Knight watched as the man leaned forward, his forearms resting on his desk through the monitor he watched him through. His hands clasped in front of him. Yeah, this was going to be the hardest conversation of his life.
“During one of your affairs with the woman, she got pregnant with a child. When she found out, she ran back to North Carolina. She’s here in Asheville. Sir, you have a beautiful, amazing and witty daughter, named Avery. And she’s in trouble.”
“Trouble? Wait, you are telling me that bitch knew she was pregnant with my child, and she left Boston with my child in her fucking belly, and kept it from me? Where the fuck is that bitch now? What kind of trouble is my daughter in?”
Yep, the man was furious at the news he just got told. Knight had only seen the man pissed once. That once was enough for him.
“Yes sir, Debbie is here in North Carolina. Currently she’s being held in our interrogation area. Sir, what I’m about to tell you is going to be hard as hell for you to hear. I found out about everything recently, when I started dating Avery. That was before I knew she was your daughter, sir.”
“You’re in love with her?”
“With every fiber of my being sir. It’s why Debbie is in our interrogation area as soon as we found out what she’d done to Avery.”
“What did that cunt do to my daughter?”
Fuck! Knight thought he and Donovan were scary when they were angry. Patrick O’Malley was the one person they agreed was even scarier.
“Sir, let’s just say she hasn’t treated Avery the best. She got married to another man. Had a daughter with that man. Where he is, we don’t know. Debbie and the daughter, Emily treat Avery horribly. We just found out during our investigation that Debbie and Emily had tried to sell Avery’s virginity to the highest bidder.”
“They did what?” Patrick O’Malley yelled through the screen, smacking his desk.
“They didn’t succeed sir. The plan was once she had been taken, she was to be sold into human trafficking. “
“Who the fuck is behind this scheme, and you damn site better have a name, Knight.”
Knight had never once in his entire life wanted to piss his fucking pants the way he did right now. He looked over at his brother who nodded at him that he had his back.
“Bruce Mackey. He’s a low-level thug, or so we thought. Turns out he’s been making deals on the down low to rise up against the O’Rourke family for the last couple of years. We have five of the coconspirators now in the same interrogation cells as Debbie Jones. They gave us more names of people that are backing Mackey.”
“O’Malley, you need to be aware, some of those people are looking to overthrow you as well. Seems the senator and congressman from our area was working with the two from your area as well as the governor of Massachusetts to send falsified information on both families to the F.B.I.” Donovan stepped into the area so that O’Malley could see him.
“I’m on my way. You had better have a plan of action by the time I get there. I’m bringing some of my men with me.” Patrick O’Malley stood up on the computer screen.
“We do. We’re just waiting for you. I have men watching Mackey’s place to let us know how many we could possibly be facing. O’Malley, something else you should know. It’s not just Avery they took. They also have Delaney. You may want to let Rian know.”
“I’m here. You can bet your sweet arse I’m coming with my da. Knight, it will be good to see you again. Will be like old times in the Army. Only this time, we are rescuing our ladies. Just so you boys know, this Mackey is going to die.”
“On that, we can agree. He will die slowly and painfully. Too quick would be too easy for his lard ass.”
“Knight, be advised, it doesn’t matter if you love my daughter. If she doesn’t love you, nothing you say or do will sway me from bringing her back to Boston so I can get to know her. If she love you, I will get to know her from afar and visit very often. But be warned before I get there, boy, you hurt my daughter, nothing your brother can say or do will save your arse. Are we clear?” Patrick advised Knight as he stared him down on the monitor.
“Crystal, sir. You have my permission to do whatever you deem necessary if I ever hurt her. She’s the air I breathe sir. It’s taking everything in me not to storm that fucking building as we speak. All common sense has gone out the window right now when it comes to finding her. I will burn this fucking galaxy down if one hair on her is harmed in any way shape or form.”
Knight breathed a sigh of relief when Patrick studied him for a few seconds and then nodded at him before logging off the video conference. Bruce Mackey is a dead man. He just didn’t know how fucked he truly was now.
Three hours after the video conference had ended, Patrick, Rian, and Cian O’Malley arrived at the penthouse, along with their large group of men. Donovan’s penthouse was packed full of men ready to go to war.
“I want to see this bitch before we go and get my daughter. Do you have a picture of the other bitch who tried to cause my daughter harm?” Patrick asked, cutting straight to the chase.